Gender in Physics, 🇨🇦 edition: a thread 🧵 (graphs first, citations in-thread)

Only 20-25% of bachelors's degrees in physics are earned by women (similar to 🇺🇸). That's a known issue, and lots has been done to try to address it.
Reports from the ICWIP have described programs that aim to attract girls to science:
The appointment of @KirstyDuncanMP in 2015 may also have given girls a visible and popular scientist role model 👩‍🔬
These efforts seem to have had an effect! This graph shows full-time enrolment in college physics majors in Canada's universities and colleges. There is a clear up-tick from at least 2015 (and maybe earlier), while the enrolment of men has increased steadily. So far, so good...
But look at the graph of graduates: the sharp uptick is missing! It might be delayed by 3 years, but should still be clearly visible by 2018 (the year with data). Worse, the rate at which graduates are increasing is much higher for men (about +13/year) than women (about +3/year)
What to make of this apparent contradiction? The Physics in Canada 17.2 (2015) special issue about Women in Physics is revealing, I think, for what is (nearly) absent: a focus on the chilly climate faced by women when they first encounter academic physics
There's a few things I'm interested in:
(a) why did 🇨🇦 women switch out or drop out of the physics major after 2015? (is this you? DM me!)
(b) how can we kindle some fires in the chilly climates in physics departments at Canada's public universities?
Incidentally, I think the @STEPUPphysics and APS-IDEA teams might want to keep an eye on these trends. Data are from @StatCan_eng
Last thought: does your 🇨🇦 or 🇺🇸 department of physics want to transform introductory labs and lecture courses to be more equitable? That's my jam, and I'm on the market ➡️ 
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