I share the sentiment but will change the words. I don't want to make noise, I want to raise HELL.

When it comes to #DomesticViolence and migrants to say that I am 🔥angry🔥 doesn't fully cover it.

#WeAreHereToo (an angry 🧵) https://twitter.com/TBuczkowska/status/1331622779830083584
Have I mentioned that the Govt could fix this by separating immigration enforcement from policing!!? YEAH.

Shout out to @PolicedPodcast who had me ranting on this very matter.

#WeAreHereToo #16Days
I am 🔥angry🔥 bc refuges & services are SO underfunded they often rely on SW payments to offer medium to longer term accommodation.

Who faces barriers to social welfare? Undocumented migrants, ppl with precarious status, Roma people.


🔗 https://nascireland.org/sites/default/files/Nasc-CEDAW-Submission-to-IHREC.pdf
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