Ask yourself this. Do you truly believe we have come this far to lose everything in a clearly rigged election? I believe JFK was murdered by our Military Industrial Complex. I believe 9/11 was an inside job that furthered the agendas of the corrupt neocons. I believe Obama was...
... a Manchurian Candidate placed at the head of the table by someone very powerful. I believe the Obama Administration was the most corrupt Administration in our Nations history. Benghazi, Fast and the Furious, the Iran deal, his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, Extortion 17...
... to name just a few. I believe Hillary Clinton broke the law when she had classified emails on her personal server. I believe her foundation is beyond corrupt but at the very least, is a front for money laundering. I believe 90% of Congress is bought and paid for by special...
... interest groups who have no basis in reality. Their only goal is further their own agendas and get rich while doing so. I believe our own Intel agencies have gone rogue, and are actively trying to subvert the will of We The People. Ironically enough, the very people they...
... are sworn to protect. I believe there have been at least three attempts on Trumps life since he took office. I believe Spygate was 100% real and clearly shows the weaponizing of our own Federal Law Enforcement Agencies. I believe the world was one election away from being...
... totally controlled by sick, violent, Moloch worshipping, evil people. And if our Military Intelligence hadn’t stepped in, we’d be in some serious shit right now. I believe most wars since WW2 have been fabricated to fuel and further agendas. I believe the media is a paid...
... arm of the CIA and has been for at least twenty years. I believe Hollywood is rampant with pedophilia and embraces its “not so secret, dark secret”. I believe Epstein and his ties to Clinton clearly show that Pedophilia doesn’t end at Hollywood Boulevard. I believe cults...
... like NXIVM just took a playbook and extended it for the founders profit. I believe in Good vs Evil & Right vs Wrong. I think we all do and that’s why we are here. We are here to fight with our Military leaders on a digital battlefield. A battlefield not littered with blood...
...& bodies. But littered with lies & half truths. It’s been our job to assist in any way we can and I think we are doing that. And I think we are clearly winning. But I also think the Swamp was much much deeper and more expansive than even Trump thought. But he along with the..
... Alphabet Team have slowly been showing us the truth. And then we take those truths and expose them our way. Through our channels. Completely bypassing the lying and corrupt MSM in the process. We haven’t been brought this far to lose like this. I know patience is running...
... thin. I know hope is slowly dwindling. I know it’s tough to see the media and by extension those still asleep thinking Biden won this thing. He did not. You know it. I know it. And soon the rest of the world will know it. This is not about being a “sore loser” and this is...
... not about Trump refusing to acknowledge he lost. He knows he won. And he knows he won big. For them to go on National TV at the press conference last week and say what they said without evidence, would be an act of lunacy. Does Trump strike you as a lunatic? After four...
... years have any of the media scare tactic stories about him come to fruition? Or has he played them like a fiddle from the get go? There are many more good people than bad. And there are many of them running this operation. People like Mike Rogers, General Flynn, Donald...
... Trump, Kash Patel, ECW, Devin Nunes, Chuck Grassley, Jim Jordan to name just a few. These people, like us, have put it all on the line. And they did it because it was the right thing to do. I’ve said it dozens of times and I’ll say it again. We are witnessing history unfold..
... right before our eyes. And to top it off, we have had a front row seat to the greatest movie in the history of the planet. Keep watching. Keep the faith. Trust the plan. But above all trust in God and the reality that in the end good defeats evil. Trump WILL win this thing.🇺🇸
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