What’s going wrong for City at the moment?
Unfortunately, there’s quite a long list of problems that Pep needs to solve. In this thread we’ll focus on the centre of midfield and how our current set up leaves us exposed to counter attacks 1/
Against Spurs the 8s, De Bruyne (17) and Bernardo (20), were pushed up, effectively creating a front 5. City’s full backs - Cancelo (16) and Walker (2) - were often inverted providing an extra body in midfield but once countered dropped to try to cover Son and Bergwijn 2/
Ahead of that the wingers are now almost exclusively inverted. Partially due to fear of the counter.
In theory inverted wingers can be more effective in winning the ball back when possession is lost high up the pitch due to starting position 3/
More importantly City’s press has almost completely broke down. The once slick machine is now an impotent shadow of it’s former self. Spurs had time to drop balls into Kane throughout the match on Saturday causing City no end of problems 4/
To illustrate the drop in City’s press we can look at Passes Per Defensive Action (PPDA) which is a measure of how many passes the opposition make before the defending team attempts to win the ball back. A lower figure indicates a team is more active in regaining possession 5/
Against Spurs, City conceded 4 shots. 2 were blocked and 2 big chances were scored.
Conceding a high % of big chances and goals relative to total shots has become an undesirable trademark for City. Once the press is broken Rodri is exposed 6/
Let us state at this point that Rodri is an excellent footballer and will most likely go on to have a stellar career for City and Spain. He has a great passing range, recycles the ball well and uses his physicality to good effect 7/
City had one major concern when they bought Rodri - his ability to sniff out danger. Knowing when to go to the man and when to stay.
His immobility compounds this weakness. He’s often unable to cover the requisite ground quickly enough to get to danger when he does spot it 8/
This puts him completely at odds with his predecessor, Fernandinho, who not only covered ground quickly but was always switched on to danger and knew exactly when to go and when to stay.
However Fernandinho was never as exposed as Rodri currently is 9/
Rodri can feel hard done by in the sense that his arrival has coincided with a weakened press ahead of the dm and defensive problems behind the dm (pre Laporte/Dias).
He’s a lovely footballer but his weaknesses are being dramatically exposed due to the set up around him 10/
Hope you’ve enjoyed this thread and keep your eyes peeled for further analysis on City’s tactical set up as we head deeper into the season.
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