There is a fundamental mistake that many atheists do and that is to consider religion as the cause of a type of behaviour. Ex. misogyny, pederasty, violence, etc.
The mistake is to think that religion comes from nowhere. Religion was invented by humans.
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Religion was invented by humans with a certain neurobiological characteristic.
Humanity is neurodiverse.
There's no such thing as God . Really! You've got to take it in. It is not God who created religions.
Violent behaviour, misogyny, paedophilia, and many other types of behaviour or psychologies are present in all kinds of ideologies, including in atheists.
And for that, you have to go take a look to neuroscience.
These behaviours are the result of a combination of nature and nurture, but it's increasingly discovered that nature is quite decisive in many of them.
Yes, I know it's scary, but a lot of them can't change.
Nurture cannot overcome nature.
Nurture cannot overcome nature.
I was also scared when I incorporated this, reading neuroscience.
This means that a person with violent tendencies, paedophiles and others, will stay that way, even if they become atheists.
T only thing religions do is to organize these people.
Religions create a social context where these people are accepted with their abusive behaviour.
This means that if we allow in our society a religion that accepts paedophilia and misogyny, we allow paedophiles and misogynists to organize,
we legitimize their behaviour, and their active status within our society.
I know what I am saying is scandalous. But someone has to say it, right?
You may be interested in this collection of behavioural science, and neuroscience. Around 100 abstracts. All about the subject of dominance, It can be applied to analyse religions and behaviour of religious people
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