Listen! We have said for years... #PainIsComing. What is becoming clear is nobody will get through this coming moment in time unscathed. We are gonna have to choose the kind of pain we endure. Will you let the globalist goons inflict their terror on you and stay silent? Or...
Will you rise to your feet, cast aside the mask of fear, the muzzle of shame? Will you reach out and take your neighbors hand, hold your family in a strong embrace and say with one voice... "We will not give you one more inch! We will not surrender one more freedom or right! We..
demand, with one voice as one people, if you want to come and take our lively hoods. If you want to take our sovereignty or our God given right to self determination... Then you just try and advance. The line is here! We are laying it down here. The choice is yours! If you are...
determined to take anything more from us than what we have given thus far, in the name of the common good. Then you are choosing to cross the line we have now set. You may want total dominion over us. You will not have it! You want obedience. You will not receive it! A people...
A society or nation is defined by moments. Points in time that impact the direction of entire civilizations. This is one such moment. We can either go forward together into a new era of peace and unity. Having defeated one of the darkest hours of our existence, together seeking..
harmony and healing. Or, as it seems is your intention, we can part ways here. Although breaking of fellow bonds will not be easy. They will be necessary. As President Lincoln said 'A house divided against itself cannot stand.' Although he was speaking of a different ideological
divide. The statement holds just as much significance in our current predicament. In 1858 our Country was, for a time, split between those who set to keep the practice of enslaving people and those who ventured to banish that evil from our land. Today we have all too similar...
a choice. Only, in this moment of our history, we find ourselves divided between those who wish to be enslaved and ruled over by the State and those who yearn to stay free. Free to live, free to persue whatever happiness they can carve out for themselves. And yes, free to die...
If by God's hand it is their time to do so. The former group is not the lesser of the other. They are only lost and in need of someone to show the way. The way out of FEAR. To be shown that fear and the need to feel safe is never a reason to seek the rule of tyrants. So, as...
Our brother's keeper we stand here at the precipice of our civilizations reckoning. We stand for those who live in fear and can't see the moment is calling for action not acquiescence. We stand here at the line we have drawn and the line we will hold! The choice is yours!
The choice as Lincoln put it...

'this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free.

I do not expect the Union to be dissolved -
I do not expect the house to fall -
but I do expect it will cease to be divided.
It will become all one thing, or all the other.'
Where we go one, we go all!
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