At this time I feel compelled to express what’s weighing heavy on my heart and in my mind during these crazy times. This is going to be long so please bear with me. To those who are losing their businesses under draconian lockdown measures I need to tell you this —
government officials are aware of your hardship and the possibility you may lose everything. But here’s the thing. They. Don’t. Care. This is all part of a plan to force us to become dependent on our governments. Don’t forget what the World Economic Forum is brazenly asserting
on its website as part of the Great Reset; that by 2030 we will own nothing and we’ll "be happy." In countless tweets people are expressing astonishment at measures being taken to fight Covid. People are lamenting that nothing makes sense, and pertaining to curfews they’re
asking why officials think we’re more susceptible to the virus after 10 pm? None of it DOES make sense, but that’s the point. They’re infantilizing us, getting us accustomed to following directions and expecting us to feel gratitude when they ease up on some rules. They’re
waiting for us to go bankrupt so they can step in and take over our financial lives. They’re taking away our simple pleasures like dining out or going to a concert while trying to destroy our faith and our fellowship with others. They’re instilling deep-seated fears in our
children and encouraging us to report our neighbours for disobeying the rules. The masks are simply a tool to test our compliance and to dehumanize us, eradicating our individuality. All of these Covid directives are part of a truly diabolical program that has nothing to do with
battling a virus. They’re just trying to wear us down and prepare us to be dominated by a totalitarian global elite. We’re presently going through hell because some powerful, wealthy, authoritarian control-freaks have decided they want a less populated world in which the care of
the planet is deemed more important than the lives and well-being of the humans who inhabit it. They want to replace God with a new world order which they’ll govern without our consent and they’re intent on our reconstruction as humans
so that we become flesh, blood, AND digital data. They plan to track everything about us, including our health, our finances, and our travels. I don’t know precisely how the Great Reset fiends get government officials throughout the world to do their bidding but I do
know that thanks to China many are being blackmailed. Some are just despots becoming addicted to their newfound powers, while many others are just too weak to withstand pressure. Whether or not we’re entering the end times we’re certainly on a trajectory to a dystopian nightmare.
I’ve only skimmed the surface of what the globalists have in mind for us. Again, I’m sharing these thoughts as a way to help people to stop trying to make sense of irrational Covid directives and rather to see the big picture. None of this is about a virus. Some very evil
people are planning the demise of civilization as we know it. Ultimately they won’t succeed, but the amount of suffering and loss we incur along the way will depend on the commitment of every person to resist these monsters in every way possible. The only way we’ll find the
ability and courage to do this is by giving our lives over to God and becoming holy. I firmly believe that through being forced to confront the intense evil that is boldly surrounding us, a great portion of humanity will seek refuge in God. The only reason God is permitting
the demons to run rampant, leading us to the precipice of the abyss is to cause us to be so desperate for a way out that even the most secular among us may cry out to the Lord to be rescued. Sadly, many will choose to cross the precipice and refuse God’s life-saving embrace.
This is where we’re at. It’s time to choose sides, to be a child of the light or a child of darkness. It’s time to discard those things in our lives that lead us away from Jesus, and yes this also means letting go of some people. I really only wanted to address the reasons for
ridiculous Covid rules, but I’ve turned this into a treatise on facing up to what appears to be the most critical period in human history. The good news is that Jesus keeps His promises. The Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph and to those who remain faithful or who discover
faith, making it through the trials with our souls in tact, we’re promised an era of peace and relative happiness before the return of Christ and final judgment. In conclusion, that’s how you should respond to all the irrational, draconian directives happening all around you.
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