I don't mean to go all "Q", but all of this really is "Biblical". Consider this... Globalists interests are a new wave of "Secular Religion" - Humanitarianism is always a tricky web - on the surface who doesn't want people & the earth right? There's the catch though...
Covid-19, Climate change, World Hunger, all the new age Global fads beckon Humanity to work together at a cost... We can "Build Back Better". This seems like a simple phrase but it much more to this. What the hell are they actually trying to build back???
Hmmmm... these men are not without a form of faith. They have a dogma, they have something they believe that they wont let slip out of their site... they call it "The Great Work" and it starts with the "Great Reset". Klaus Schwab is a priest of this work and writes of it...
Klaus Schwab along with the rest of his friends at the The World Economic Forum have too much insight into these world events without having somehow initiated these things into action. Making constant predictions of doom... and being on the money - watch out for their new one 👇
Fauci has ties to this ministry, as he predicts the Covid-19 catastrophe with confidence as if the plan is already set in motion... he calls it a "Surprise Outbreak". If it was such a surprise why the hell was it not a surpise to Fauci. He's part of the plan...
Trump was Never a Globalist and as you see him and Biden are playing for 2 different sides. They call Trump a fascist because he simply wants to "Make America Great Again", meanwhile Biden does not hide his agenda to play by Globalists rules... his slogan - "Build Back Better"...
Democrats have already made the confirmation that China wants Biden. China has the structure in place today that most relfects the tyrannical agenda they wish to impart on the world, and America's Non-compliance through a Trump administration is not in China's best interest so...
We have the release of Covid-19... During an Election year when you have most regime changes in the forms of a coup, after great strides in economic progress. Everything is bottomed out and further circumventing of a prosperous response is lead by drawn out democrat lockdowns
Back to "Build Back Better"... PM Trudeau's speech signed off in code his allegiance to this "Great Work" in acknowledging a "reset" and "building back better"... most of the world leaders agree with the Globalists except for one...
The media attacks, Democrats AND Republicans hate him and most people are blind to the bigger reasons as to why he is maligned in the eyes of the public - His allegiance is to America first!
These Evil Globalists plan on "Building Back Better" something that was destroyed so long ago... Babylon and the Third Reich failed in this attempt, these new age nazi's attempt a Fourth - in the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" under the guise of humanitarian efforts...
This Antichrist structure will forgive your Sins=Debt, and assimilate you into the kingdom as long as you believe in the "Great Work" and turnover all of your worldy possessions even your body in exchange to complete the temple of this NWO agenda. The US must end to start it...
Everything will be controlled by the global elite without you being able to buy, sell, trade, or travel unless you comply with the system where by a Technocratic world would come into fruition through melding of bio genetic engineering and technology.
Your access to the world could end with the push of a button. RFID chipping being mandatory much like the Covid-19 vaccine will hold an account tied to your UBI (Universal Basic Income) and all identifying information is embedded underneath the skin in your hand. A click - NO ID.
Once the world has embraced this way of life maybe even before we will be introduced to a being who supposes Divine Authority over all who conceits him/her/itself a Perfect blend of Humanity and Technology - The New And Reborn Technological Nimrod in Defiance of the Almighty God!
Same old Nimrod, Same old Babylon, Same old tricks, and there is nothing new under sun.w
But while men make plans - God Laughs! Checkmate. - Amen
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