jordan peterson is trending because he is apparently writing another "12 rule for life" which I think warrants a trip down memory lane. THREAD WITH CLIPS revealing him to be a grifter of the highest order, beginning with that time he got destroyed within the span of a few seconds
here's that time jordan peterson claimed that without god it is impossible to produce art, and when challenged on this absurdity when it's pointed out there are atheist artists, peterson claims they're actually religious without knowing it. the audience literally laughs at him
Jordan Peterson actually believes the DNA double helix, discovered in 1953, is depicted in ancient Chinese, Aboriginal and Egyptian art
here's jordan peterson saying he opposes gay marriage because "it is backed by cultural marxists" and represents "an assault on traditional modes of being"
Jordan Peterson is asked about same sex adoption, and he responds: "I believe very firmly that the nuclear family is the smallest viable human unit: mother, father, child, and if you fragment it below that you end up paying"
jordan peterson unfolds his deranged theory of inceldom, whereby "chads" get all the women and this is horrific for society so has to be changed. joe rogan points out this contradicts his rage-whining about "equality of outcome" being stalinism, and peterson is literally stunned
Jordan Peterson actually believes the scientific explanation for why people have color vision is contained in the Bible story about the snake and the fruit, and that the Daoist symbol for reality is the truly scientific one
jordan peterson became a living meme partly due to his deranged belief that human beings and lobsters have the same physical and by extension social properties. here's actual evolutionary biologist PZ myers demolishing that pseudo-scientific garbage
a classic jordan peterson moment: that time he claimed he was unable to sleep for 25 days and faced "impending doom" bc he had a sip of apple cider, which was his excuse for why he was unable to come up with a coherent definition of truth in his discussion with sam harris
Jordan Peterson actually believes the Bible story about Adam, Eve, the snake and the apple confirms recent scientific hypotheses about how humans evolved to have eyesight, and he repeats the false claim about color vision having evolved bc of the need to identify fruit
jordan peterson vs jordan peterson
that time jordan peterson got caught
and that wasn't the first time either
here's jordan peterson casually repeating that he would happily assault someone for having said something about him he didn't like. remember, he loves free speech!
here's the tweet of jordan peterson saying he would happily assault pankaj for having written a critical piece about him (which you should all read because it's excellent: note that peterson is unaware of the "noble savage" trope
jordan peterson believes frozen, the children's movie, is cultural marxist propaganda
here jordan peterson claims to have undeniable evidence for the existence of god: people stop smoking. yes, really.
jordan peterson is absolutely baffled by the fact that under capitalism the working class is forced to sell its labour to survive. "it's a miracle, a miracle!"
ask jordan peterson whether he believes in god, and he will give the most vague, incomprehensible bullshit answer that would make even the most obscure postmodernist seem lucid by comparison
jordan peterson claims that the real oppressed people in society aren't the poor, marginalized, workers: no, actually, it's the managers and CEOs of corporations. and the more power and wealth they have, the more oppressed they are according to him
here's jordan peterson once again explicitly calling for the violent assault of people who say things he doesn't like: "it should get you punched in the nose hard enough to knock you out". and his audience applauds him for it
jordan peterson the living meme
whenever jordan peterson is around women he has to "remove 90% of himself" because they can't handle the truth
jordan peterson unveils his deranged take that the birth control pill has destroyed western civilization, which even takes some of the leading magaites by surprise
jordan peterson talks about how his daughter convinced him to move to a meat only diet, which miraculously gave him all sorts of superpowers (shortly after this his life exploded into a million pieces)
the famous clip of jordan peterson "just asking questions" about men and women working together in the workplace, which includes the deranged claim that if women wear make-up and complain about sexual harassment they're being hypocritical bc hey, that's your own fault
the core contradiction underlying jordan peterson's rage-whining about "sjw cultural marxists": they're coddled snowflakes afraid to offend anyone, but also evil stalinists out to destroy western civilization. here he gets called out on it, and once again he's stunned
jordan peterson rants about how the invention of the birth control pill led to the destruction of western civilization by causing the women's liberation movement to happen and robbing women of their "natural" role as mothers
another horrific outcome of the birth control pill according to jordan peterson: women sleep around more and that's horrible. this also led to the "pornographication of society", which causes more men to masturbate, and as we all know masturbation is the work of the devil
here is jordan peterson summarized in one image:
and here are all his lobster boys summarized in one image:
oh yeah, jordan peterson is also a deranged climate science denier
see this thread for why the notion that jordan peterson cares about free speech is absurd. he's the most coddled, snowflake, safe-space loving motherfucker alive, constantly threatening to assault and censor anyone who says anything he doesn't like
the best compilation of jordan peterson's grift is undoubtedly the one made by the brilliant @VicBergerIV. it includes the clip of peterson saying he's been accused of sexual harassment 3 times in his career, which explains a lot. see the full video here:
jordan peterson takes on burger king
that time chomsky destroyed jordan peterson in 1 minute
the two lobster boys interviewing chomsky were hoping to get him to agree with their jordan peterson fandom and draw some positive comments out of him. they got this instead:
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