Lloyd's Glossary to the Progressive mind.

As events unfold over the next few days. We may find ourselves interacting with "woke" progressives. It is important to know what kind of Progressive you are dealing with, to take appropriate action in any situation

See below👇👇
Progressive Communists: The people conspiring worldwide to overthrow freedom and democracy. In an attempt to establish a "New world order" based on communism. Where the people of the world are intentionally impoverished and provided Gov duties for Gov food and benefits.
ProComm Minion: A person who has been provided vices, goods, or services by the Progressive Communists. The gifts to these people are heinous or vile in deed/possession. These “gifts” are used to bribe and coerce the minion into performing roles, or duties for the ProComms
Yellow Dog Democrat: A person that will vote full Democrat party affiliation regardless of a candidate’s personal beliefs. YDDs are usually advanced in years, part of traditional ethic vote groups, or hold a long family voting tradition. Most YDD can't process new information
Vacuum Chamber Progressives: These are normally younger people who have been indoctrinated in academia. Went to work in corporate America, and receive all their info from the MSM. The VCPs are able to process new facts, but are trained to act out violently upon hearing them
Progressive Social Prisoners: PSPs are people that are desperate to fit in. They are often indoctrinated and trapped in an echo chamber insisting on victim class identification. The majority of abortion/LGBTQ abominations fall into this category as a sick attempt at acceptance
Militant Anarchist Progressives: MAPs are the BLM/Antifa mob. Most are Paid by ProComms or their Minions to cause injury/destruction over a fake social justice agenda (also created by ProComms and their Minions) You can often find VCPs and PSPs in these crowds due to programming.
Please learn and apply these. Tell a liberal what kind they are. It will help them heal. Feel free to add details in comments.

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@SaveRChildrenCa @ForesterTKH @Beardly_ @RobbersonJon @theonlyrymac @toddeherman @CrashPatriot @KellzBellzzah Was hoping you guys could take a read and if you like it RT it down the road... I'm pretty proud of it =)
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