Ron is asking this question in good faith and I hear it very often in Jewish spaces.

A simple answer to this: Practically all parts of the left, broadly defined, experience gatekeeping by other parts of the left.

If you're not aware, it's because you're not looking for it.
A few examples to illustrate this dynamic of stakeholders on the left having their concerns ignored, challenged, or held against them in a quick thread.
2) I tried to limit this to one example but there's truly a million angles to come at this from: Women on the left are treated differently by the left than men are. Their concerns are secondary, their sins legendary. That includes leftists and liberals and everyone in between.
3) There is some notion that Black activists on the left are uniquely immune to gatekeeping their concerns and priorities. I'm frankly not sure where this comes from other than people seeing tweets go viral and not understanding that RTs≠consensus.

4) In January thousands of Jews marched after a string of deadly antisemitic attacks. Friends kept asking why only Jews cared.

I ask you now: Did you mobilize for Asian Americans experiencing a spike in COVID-related hate crimes? Did you even know?
I can keep giving you examples. But here's the key points:

1) The left is a coalition, not a homogenous group. In coalitions there will always be tensions operating on many axes.

2) In-groups always care more about a thing than out-groups.

3) Attention spans are limited.
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