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@ An Ancient Khemetic Science Lesson
More Than Just An Ancient Symbol
The Brain And The Kundalini ​
Cerebrum (Che-rubim) -  The Root Word (cere) means to Cover. The Cherubim covered the Mercy Seat. In the Same Manner that the Cerebrum Covers the Major Glands (Pineal & Pituitary Hypothalamus,Amygdala, etc.) and other Portions of the Brain.
Located in the Cranium, Imagination, Intuition, Telepathic, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and Psychometery, Resides in this Area of the Brain. Held to be the Seat of Conscious Mental Processes. 👁️
This is the Area of the Brain where Thinking, Speaking, Reading, and Conscious Movements are Controlled, and is Divided into Two Mirror images ( Two Angels on the Ark of the Covenant.) called the Right and Left Hemisphere of the Brain
Ptah Energy
What is The Pineal Gland
The Pineal gland is Located in the Center of the Brain & is the Smallest Yet most Powerful & Mysterious Gland in the Human Body.The Pineal Gland gets it's name From the Pine Cone bcos of its similar Appearance
The Pineal Gland Secretes two Hormones known as "Melatonin" which is responsible for our WAKE And Sleep Cycle among other things and "Serotonin" which is a Neurotransmitter which sends messages to and from the Brain through the Central Nervous System.
The Pineal Gland also Acts as a link or a Bridge between Objective and Subjective states of Consciousness or in a more understandable way to put it the Pineal Gland Operates as a Highway from the physical and Spiritual Realms
OUR Pineal Glands Are Being Systematically Destroyed Deliberately by the Consumption of Floride and Mercury and other Harmful Metals found in the Water we drink and Products such as toothpaste which Calcifies the Pineal Gland causing the Pineal Gland to Malfunction.
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