Admiral of the Blue- originally, admiral commanding rear division of a fleet. Later, a rear admiral

Admiral of the White- admiral commanding van division of fleet. Later, a vice admiral

Admiral of the Red- senior admiral, commanding Centre division of fleet. Later, an admiral
Widow's Men- a custom of yore when fictitious names, upto 2% of a crew, were entered in ship's crew lists of H.M. ships. Their pay and victualling allowances were credited to the 'Widows' Fund'. Commenced 1763, abolished about 1831 @RoyalNavy
HMS Minden was a majestic 74 gun Ganges class ship built by Wadias in the Bombay Dockyard in 1810 amongst many other famous ships. Interestingly, the Star Spangled Banner, national anthem of #USA was composed by Francis Scott Key on the decks of this ship #nuggetsofmattersmarine
Navies have a language of their own that can quite make a landlubber 'all at sea' and have a set of 'unique animals too'

A Camel is a hollow vessel of iron, steel or wood used to aid in salvage operations

A Cat was a sailing vessel of 3 masts


A Dog is a short iron bar with teeth at one end and a ring on the other

A Dolphin is an iron or wood structure, in harbors, for mooring ships

A Duck is a flax fabric lighter and finer than canvas

@CaptDKS @SandyPathak100 @w_karve @FathomsOne
Some more 'nautical' animals
Spider is an iron band around a mast

White horses are fast running waves with white foam crests

Wildcat is a sprocket wheel of a windlass

Crab is a handwinch used in sail ships

Fishes are pieces of timber lashed to a mast or yard to strengthen it
In 'marine speak' things are not what they seem to be-

A Paddy's Hurricane is not a strong gale but a dead calm or at best a breeze insufficient to even move a flag

A Devil's Smile is a gleam of sunshine in stormy weather, which come only to deceive
#thisdaythattime Dec 10, '83. INS Godavari commissioned. The G class guided-missile frigates were first significant indigenous warship design and development initiative of @indiannavy, #MakeInIndia pioneers. Paid off Dec 23, '15 after 32 yrs glorious service #navalhistoryproject
And in the marine world, body parts have a different say
Eye is a small hole or loop

Tongue is a long tapered end of a piece of timber used in shipbuilding

Legs - when a rope resolves itself into two or more parts, its said to have legs

Foot is a sail's lower edge

Jaws are horns at the end of a boom or gaff

Heart is the inner yarn in a rope

Heads are toilets in ships

Hand is a term used for the word 'man'

Waist is a part of a vessel between the beam and the quarter

Mole is a huge stone or sea wall

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