President-elect Joe Biden announced his first batch of appointments.

As I've done throughout #BidenTransition, here's a thread on the national security elites and corporate consultants named to his administration.
Tony Blinken is Biden's pick for secretary of state.

In Obama's administration, he was deputy secretary of state. He was also national security adviser to Biden during Obama's first term.

From 1994 to 2001, he was part of President Bill Clinton's National Security Council.
Blinken is devout believer in American exceptionalism. He sees Biden as president who will put "globe back on its axis" after Trump.

To Blinken, world has little chance of survival if United States doesn't dictate its future.

He expressed this view at USGLC event on Nov. 10:
After US House of Representatives voted to arm so-called rebel groups in Syria in 2014, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough asked Blinken about concerns that arms "could end up in wrong hands."

Blinken brushed aside concerns and maintained US would vet and give arms to "the right people."
In March 2016, the Los Angeles Times reported "CIA-armed units and Pentagon-armed [militias] have repeatedly shot at each other while maneuvering through contested territory on the northern outskirts of Aleppo" in Syria.
In October 2012, the New York Times reported the US supported Saudi Arabia and Qatar as they sent rifles and grenades to Syrian "opposition groups." They largely went to "hard-line Islamic jihadists."

Blinken likely knew this fact yet he still championed arming the "rebels."
After the Ghouta chemical attack in Syria on August 21, 2013, Blinken provided Congress with a briefing on the attack.

Blinken told press Congress would recognize, "Chemical weapons were used on Aug. 21 against civilians in Syria, and Assad regime is the one that used them."
Journalist Seymour Hersh reported on cherry-picking of intelligence. Officials overlooked evidence intel agencies knew that al Nusra, a group affiliated with al Qaida, had "mastered mechanics of creating sarin & was capable of manufacturing" it in Syria.
On CNN in May 2014, Blinken said NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden "broke the law. He should come back to the United States to face the law. He can make his case here fully, freely. But he should come back & face consequences of his actions. And we would welcome him doing so."
Not only did this make Blinken a part of President Obama's war on whistleblowers, but it promoted ignorance.

Under Espionage Act, which Snowden was accused of violating, he is not permitted to defend himself by claiming exposing mass surveillance was in public interest.
Biden pledged during the campaign to end US support for Saudi Arabia's bombing of Yemen.

During the Obama administration, Blinken was involved in speeding up arms shipments to Saudi Arabia.
On April 21, 2017, days after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was expelled from Ecuador embassy and arrested, Blinken said he would have loved to have seen Obama admin find a way to charge Assange.
The entire exchange on Trump administration indicting Assange is rather incredible because Blinken says:

(a) WikiLeaks "colluded" with Russia so that justifies prosecution (yet that's not part of the case)

(b) He'd rather focus on prosecuting Snowden, who is not a publisher
Blinken co-founded WestExec Advisors with Michelle Flournoy, a hawk. He cashed "in on his international connections" and "years of face time with Saudi, Israeli, and Chinese leaders."

Jonathan Guyer of The American Prospect reported on this in July:
Avril Haines is Biden's pick for director of national intelligence (DNI).

She was principal deputy national security adviser to Obama. In 2013, she was appointed CIA deputy director.

If confirmed, she'll be first woman to run America's massive post-9/11 surveillance state.
Haines is celebrated for taking interest in international law and advocating for changes to how Obama administration authorized drone strikes.

She played a role in giving Obama's assassination policy a shinier veneer of legality that could further entrench this killing in govt.
Haines worked under former CIA director John Brennan and is a Brennan loyalist, who came to his defense (along with several other former security officials) after Trump revoked Brennan's security clearances.
Haines is on board of directors for Center for a New American Security (CNAS), which is funded by weapons manufacturers (Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon), big banks (JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America), and fossil fuel corporations (BP America, Chevron).
Oh, and this war industry-funded think tank is also funded by Palantir, the US National Intelligence Council, and the Office of Director of National Intelligence (ODNI).
Jake Sullivan is Biden's pick for national security adviser.

Sullivan was a senior policy adviser for Hillary Clinton's 2016 and 2008 presidential campaigns.

He was also a national security adviser to Vice President Joe Biden.
Sullivan is part of Alliance for Securing Democracy's Advisory Council, which includes Michael Chertoff, former DHS secretary; Bill Kristol, a neocon who pushed for Iraq War; Mike Morell, former CIA director; John Podesta, former Clinton campaign chairman.
The Alliance for Securing Democracy developed a "disinformation" tracker called Hamilton 68 that they claimed could identify Russian influence operations. It misidentified real people as Russian bots - even singling out Stars and Stripes newspaper.
On April 13, 2017, after Trump launched 59 missiles against a Syrian air base in response to an alleged chemical attack, Sullivan cheered the strike during an appearance on CNN.

The retaliation was never legally justified.
Also, in the same CNN appearance, Sullivan said he believed Obama should've attacked Syria like Trump had done.

He also criticized Congress for "dragging" their feet on authorization for strikes in Syria.
During the same CNN appearance in 2017, Sullivan said Trump appeared to have used the "Mother of All Bombs" appropriately.

"In principle, using this weapon for this kind of purpose is an appropriate step for the military to take."
Also from this CNN appearance in 2017—Sullivan backed then-CIA director Mike Pompeo's evidence-free claim that WikiLeaks is a “non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia.”

And urged Trump to "reinforce" what Pompeo said.
In same speech, Pompeo said Assange had “no First Amendment freedoms” because “he is not a U.S. citizen."

“We’ve had administrations before that have been squeamish about going after these folks under some concept of this right-to-publish," Pompeo added.
Much like Pompeo, Jake Sullivan is rather biased because WikiLeaks exposed emails he sent during Hillary Clinton's failed 2020 presidential campaign. That exposed him to unwanted scrutiny over matters that were of public interest.
Alejandro Mayorkas is Biden's pick for secretary of Homeland Security.

In the Obama administration, he was deputy secretary of homeland security and director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
The Obama administration, according to American Immigration Council, backed several policies intended to "send a message" to "Central Americans that the trip to the United States was not worth the risk, and they would be better off staying put."
Like Mayorkas declared in June 2014, "We are surging resources to increase our capacity to detain individuals and adults with children, and to handle immigration court hearings."

DHS engaged in "expedited removal," or deportations, of asylum-seekers.
Immigrant rights groups wrote a letter to Mayorkas and DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson in February 2016 that urged them to end family detention and halt fast-track processes that deprived asylum seekers of due process rights.
Mayorkas was director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) from 2009-2013, and as documented by ACLU, USCIS oversaw blacklist of Arabs, Middle Easterners, Muslims, and South Asians who may apply for citizenship.
As ACLU and other groups described in 2013, "USCIS has been blacklisting law-abiding applicants [due to] 'national security concerns' based on lawful religious activity, national origin, and innocuous associations."
CORRECTION: This quote is from April 2017, not April 2019. So that means Assange was still in the Ecuador embassy and had not been arrested. Blinken was responding to reports that Trump's Justice Department had found a way to charge Assange.
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