Energy Star Forts

Over 319 Starfort's are listed on . The first Starforts are said to have been buil as early as the early 1500s, exactly when the Romanov's were setting about conquering vast areas of Tartary. According to historian star forts...
2/ or bastion forts, were built, as they maximized defensiveness against cannonball impacts and offered better protection and better views of the battlefield for those inside the fort.

But what if Star Forts and Star Cities was created as a vibrational frequency eco-system...
3/ to provide a sense of joy and harmony amongst the community. The Star Cities are their own self-contained environment. They are build with sacred geometric patterns that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically; a microcosm of the universe.
4/All these features where part of the infrastructure that leveraged water to produce a magnetic frequency that was absorbed by the design of the structure and omitted its self-back into the environment as breathable air. The frequency and vibration
5/created the energy euphoria of joy and harmony.

-Sound is vibration in the ether.
-Vibrations affect/disturb/excite all magnetic fields they can reach, including fields around our bodies.
-Different frequencies of sound/vibrations have different effects on our body and mind
6/-Cymatics show us the geometrical shapes magnetic fields take when exposed to vibrations.

In context, star forts shapes most likely represent the beneficial effects of the area when exposed to the right frequency of sound/vibrations.
7/Most Starforts are near or around water. As Mr. Moto proved with frozen water, different frequencies create the same type of starfort pattern. Again, we see sacred geometry patterns in water, coincidence? Maybe, some researchers think...
8/ Starforts were filled with incredible healing abilities to all who lived inside the wall. Starforts are said to be built for protection against invading armies but the shape was not ideally defensible since invaders could position themselves next to cornered walls...
9/ and not be seen by those inside. The design was not conductive for protection from those inside.
Over 91 starforts in the USA were built in the 1850s the story goes.

this info come from this book...not stating this a "fact" just something i found interesting.
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