why i love bruno bucciarati

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this thread will contain major spoilers for vento aureo so if you haven't finished it, i recommend stopping here

tw // blood, drug mentions, character death mentions
bruno is introduced as a ruthless and calculating gangster. he casually approaches a fifteen-year-old giorno in order to interrogate him about the murder of leaky-eye luca, unaware that he was a stand user and the one responsible for luca's death. he does not hold back
after discovering that giorno was luca's killer, bucciarati is fully prepared to kill him as his orders dictate. he attempts to distance himself from giorno for his safety but is pursued, leading to another fight that ends in his loss due to his hesitation
we quickly find out that there's much more to him than we were first led to believe. he is a man very conflicted with him position and the organization that he is in. despite his willingness to follow orders, there is detestation for his boss and the drugs the man profits from
we later learn why bruno's hatred of drugs and confliction runs so deep. when bruno was 12 his father was nearly killed and was hospitalized after witnessing a drug trade. after killing the men who came to finish his father off, bruno joins passione in order to protect his father
but then five years later his father died and bucciarati learns that the gang he trusted and now worked under was responsible for selling the very drugs that caused the end of his father's life. and as time went on, the drug problem only continued to get much worse
bruno is also very loved by his community, and they all put a great deal of trust in him. knowing that he is apart of an organization that is knowingly causing so much pain and suffering that he's experienced himself to people who look to him to protect them causes him much grief
i don't think it's inaccurate to say that bruno felt very stuck and even a bit powerless when it came to the drug trade in the gang. and so the first time he believed that there was a genuine possibility for things to change for the better, he took it. giorno gave him that hope.
despite being in a gang since the age of twelve, bucciarati is a very kind and empathetic person and is shown to have been this way since he was a young child. he is considerate of others to the point of often pushing his own wants and needs to the side. he wants to help people.
you can't really talk about bruno's kindness and compassion without mentioning his team and how it came to be. when forming his team, he found each member when they were at the lowest points in their lives. they all had different circumstances which i want to go over very quickly
abbacchio who sincerely wanted to become a police officer in order to help people found that the job was not all he expected. he took a bribe which indirectly led to his partner's death. the intense guilt over these incidents sent him into a downward spiral until bruno found him
bruno became abbacchio's light when he was in an extremely dark place and offered him a new sense of purpose when he felt he had nothing else to live for. while abbacchio says his heart died with his partner, i think he still felt he could do good, even in a gang, at bruno's side
fugo was disowned by his family after being arrested for beating a professor who made sexual advances on him with an encyclopedia when he was thirteen. he lived on the streets and had to steal in order to get by, but he used his incredible intellect and knowledge to his advantage
after witnessing his intelligence, bruno listens to his story and offers him a position on his team in the gang. fugo at first declines, worried that his temper would cause problems, but bucciarati extends his offer again, accepting fugo completely as he is, anger and all
narancia was a different case. he was brought to bruno by fugo, who found him digging through the trash for food, awaiting the same death as his mother from an eye disease after being abandoned by his friends after his closest friend framed and betrayed him
bruno made sure he was cared for, offering him a place to stay if he needed it. but bruno did NOT want him to join the gang, growing furious when he brought it up. this was because he did not want the young boy to enter such a dangerous life when he could still live a normal one.
mista stepped in to save a girl from being assaulted. the man and his friends began firing at him, and he killed the three of them in self-defense; however, no one believed him as it seemed impossible that he wouldn't be hit under those conditions so he was found guilty of murder
mista's case caught bruno's attention and he immediately trusted his actions were in self-defense. he then pulled some strings to get mista released, as he did not think he would last long in prison. then he invited him for lunch to discuss joining his team, to which mista agreed
the life bruno offered his team was far from perfect, and he and they were fully aware of that when he recruited them. while he helped them out of very horrible situations, the life he led them to was still an incredibly dangerous one filled with constant blood and violence.
every member of bucciarati's team holds him in extremely high esteem. they fully respect him not only as their leader but as a person. they trust him with their lives and have complete faith in him to lead them in the best direction. and he returns that trust and respect in full
bruno is constantly under the stress of being the leader and having to make difficult decisions as his team looks to him for his instruction and orders. there is a ton of pressure on him. not only does he want to meet his team's expectations, but their lives are in his hands
while bruno is an incredibly kind person, he is a very stern leader. he is very serious and when it comes to orders and his goals, he is focused and his resolve is unbreakable. he often has to keep his team in line, but he won't hesitate to praise them for a job well done
going back to the pressure bruno is under as leader, as well as his devotion to missions, there are times where we see him have to make calls that put the mission above his team and himself. the mission takes priority. they're all aware of this, but it can't make it any easier
while he can come off as harsh in his steadfast approach to missions, bruno cares very deeply for each and every member of his team, and he is shown to be more than willing to risk his life for their safety
as leader, bruno has to stay strong, especially in times of distress. he has to be the pillar that keeps the group focused and moving no matter how much he may be hurting. he allows himself no time to outwardly mourn the loss of his teammates because he knows there is no time
like the jolyne thread i want to take a minute to talk about my favorite bruno moments. this includes the fight against prosciutto and pesci, the first encounter with diavolo and the events leading up to it, the dock scene, his final moments, and also his relationship with giorno
what i love about the fight against prosciutto and pesci is that it shows just how far bruno is willing to go for his team and his mission. he's prepared to throw himself to his death from a speeding train and he'll not just figuratively but LITERALLY rip himself apart for them
it also serves as a reminder that bruno, as compassionate and kindhearted as he is, is still a gangster capable of being merciless when it comes to his enemies. he did show respect for pesci, though it was short-lived since pesci wanted to kill his team just to get to him
in the elevator we see bruno comfort a scared trish who up until this point had managed to keep a brave face despite the circumstances. she worries about the type of man her father is, what will happen to her, and if he'll like her. bruno tries to reassure her as best he can
diavolo trying to kill trish was bruno's breaking point. for years bruno's hatred and disgust for his boss's selfish greed and disregard for human life had built up, and while he and giorno planned to slowly gain his trust and defeat him, he could not let him kill trish
in the fight against king crimson, bruno receives a fatal injury; however, despite this he gives everything he has to protect trish and fight against the boss. thanks to giorno's precautions, he manages to get both himself and trish where giorno can find them
we later find out that bruno was dead when giorno found him, but thanks to gold experience, he was able to keep going for a short while despite being very much dead. so everything bruno does after this moment, he is doing as a dead man. which, while sad, is VERY badass of him imo
the scene on the dock may be one of my favorites. we've seen what happens to traitors of the gang, and bruno tells his team that he is one now. he doesn't order or even expect it of them to follow him. he leaves the decision completely to them and understands if they wouldn't
he even tells narancia, the kid that he never wanted involved in the gang in the first place, that he SHOULD stay behind for his safety. whether all of them came with him or all of them stayed behind, bruno wanted it to be THEIR decision, and he was prepared and accepting of that
bruno's final moments, his departure, is incredibly bittersweet. when everyone's souls are returning to their bodies, as he has been dead for some time now, his time is up. he says his goodbyes to giorno, saying he is happy and thanking him, before saying the rest is up to him
i touched on this a bit already, but giorno really gave bruno hope when he may have been running out of it. he fully believed that giorno was capable of achieving his dream, and that's why he put so much faith in him. and giorno could tell that bruno was good-hearted person
they both have righteous hearts and ideals, and that's why they work so well together. they both had the same goal, and they put such a great deal of trust in each other. they relied on each other so heavily to achieve their goals. i love their friendship so much.
bruno played such a major role in every member of his team's lives who will never be forgotten by those who remain. bruno was someone they all looked to as a pillar of some sort. he was a strong leader who didn't waver, but showed such compassion and consideration for others
tldr: it's very hard to put into words for me but i love bruno for his unyielding kindness. i love him for retaining such compassion for others despite the harsh life he lived. he's one of my favorite jojo characters, and i just,, really love him.
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