To understand why patriarchy persists, it's crucial to listen to men's concerns about how they will be perceived & treated.

Shahnaz Laghari's explanation of honour killings is superb:

How men try to preserve prestige via social control. 🇵🇰
But but but.. sometimes men's refer to #honour to disguise more mercenary motives...

Laghari unpacks the entire ecosystem: how men, police, & waderas benefit from honour killings, why many perpetuate this culture of impunity.
Pakistan's feudal structure seems to enable regulatory capture

Women accused of adultery are sold by the tribal leader.

He profits from these accusations, shaming & alienation - esp if she is pretty & can get a good price.

So he has every incentive to preserve this institution
Given the HUGE risks of being accused as kari (a fallen adulteress woman), many women shun paid work in the public sphere

Hence Pakistan's garment industry is only 28% female

And those employed crane their necks looking down, avoiding all eye contact
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