Have people gotten the joke yet about Buttigieg being a CIA / intelligence agency Trojan horse candidate who just so happens to have the same exact speaking cadences and positions as Obama?
It was really, really obvious to anyone paying attention, and it makes sense of how Biden is planning to staff his administration.
They all have phony stories about their military service. https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1226865254866530304?s=20
It is not at all subtle if you know what to look for. If you see anyone from the MAYOR PETE camp vouching for someone, it is likely to be a CIA-related thing. Simple as.
Main thread from earlier to illustrate this common ruse of building a patina of blarney up about the bold military service of the CIA-associated pol so that they can use it to propound Forever Wars. https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1226868282633879553?s=20
You could even say he Chastened himself as a bootie gag. https://twitter.com/ReposeGuru/status/1330986304805371905?s=20
Related thread, lighter. https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1235201478584827904?s=20
You tell me.
Look. https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1329704631002402817?s=20
And don't get me started on Adam "Big Brother Program" Schiff. https://twitter.com/paul_hundred/status/1330988649215909898?s=20
Consider how ridiculous it is that you need a pseudo who has been following fringe antiwar topics and the like for years to point out this obvious conspiracy of our permastate, taking shape before your eyes, to bumrush institutions when Trump is out of power & start wars.
Why is it beyond the pale to call out shit like this in polite company? Why won't you hear it on Fox or MSNBC or anywhere in between? How have we accepted this sort of range restriction in our discourse -- almost as if corporate media were a compliance tool at the limit, eh?
Again recall that the signature of CIA, as opposed to other intel agencies or foreign governments etc., fuckery is how _blatant_ it is. The CIA depends on being untouchable and hiding in plain sight. They don't need to hide anything, since they think you'll be too chicken to see.
Against this backdrop, it is not at all surprising that Sidney Powell has been banished from the polite conservation—the real wonder is that she was ever given a platform at all, even by Trump. https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1329487265521922057?s=20
The response Powell has gotten can't be claimed as a neutral response to weaknesses in what she said or the sources she relied on, unless you are able to explain why the much, much-nuttier Larry Tribe hasn't gotten similar treatment.
Recall that Larry Tribe assisted VP Gore during his election challenge efforts, then shifted seamlessly to being an emptywheel-tier foaming at the mouth MUH RUSSIA truther, all without once raising an eyebrow at the HLS faculty lounge. Why the difference?
Yeah, it is almost like the entire MSM is set up to exclude certain questions from public inquiry. https://twitter.com/KrakenMk/status/1331005623765446660?s=20
I'll leave you with this related thread, in case you want to see some more Marionette strings. https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1330931416654340100?s=20
*"banished from the polite conservation" -- meant to write "conversation," but "conservation" makes sense as a term for the reservation they put "conservatives" who want to allowed into the "conversation" into.
Thread linking. https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1330973398055399433?s=20
It's such a joke.
Anybody with an ear for accents knows that Obama's signature speaking style is a result of him being an apt pupil worked over by the same team that managed Deval Patrick, and that Buttigieg represents a new model from the same brand.
The brand is endless war and overseas satrapies and rich kickbacks from state oil concerns and the like. Meet the brand ambassadors!
Let me swiftly convince you that I'm crazy or trolling and all of this has to be a joke: https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1261747297664167936?s=20
* * *

You don't need to follow all the forking paths here (there are many) to get the benefit I intend from this thread. The benefit I intend is that, somewhere in the back of your mind, you associate "Mayor Pete" and "Biden foreign policy" with "CIA" and "Endless War".
That association in place, you can then run minimal due diligence when there are new appointments or policy proposals coming from Team Biden / vouched for by Mayor Pete people, and check for yourself if they fit the pattern described above.
It's perverse to suspect we would even want this to be true of someone in that role. But the CIA PR talk is all about girlbosses who are hyper competent but oh, so nice and genuine. — as this suggests, you should be afraid, very afraid. https://twitter.com/DShaw873/status/1331078776588005379?s=20
Cf. https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1301207484800131074?s=20
Speculative: https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1261742049344155650?s=20
Take a guess why this changed. Hint: President Eisenhower sort of told us. https://twitter.com/PereGrimmer/status/1332335609600483329?s=20
never finishing threads since you keep getting new reading assignments: https://twitter.com/realbriankemple/status/1332344956556554240?s=20
You can follow @PereGrimmer.
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