How I went from being pro choice to pro life: (a thread)
When I was prochoice I believed the idea that babies in the womb are “clumps of cells.” I saw nothing wrong with abortion, I saw it as helping women. In reality, I had done 0 research & I knew nothing about it. My bf told me if I’m going to support it I should know what it is.
So I began researching it. I found videos depicting what occurs during abortions in each trimester & was disgusted for ever supporting abortion. My opinion on it was changed immediately. I did more research & I began to see the truth and how the abortion industry had lied.
I supported abortion only bc believed the lies told by the abortion industry. Abortion is pushed onto you in an attempt to normalize it. They show it as a harmless procedure that helps women so, why wouldn’t young women believe it? I did.
Learning about fetal development, abortion, why women get them, contraception, planned parenthood, etc. all helped show me how damaging abortion is.
I don’t blame prochoicers. Some see abortion as a harmless procedure on a clump of cells that helps women. They wonder why ppl are against a “helpful” procedure. In reality, they’ve been lied to. They’re told women need abortion, women aren’t equal w/o it & that its a basic right
It’s time we start educating women and men on the reality’s of abortion. Abortion intentionally kills an innocent human being and it should not be normalized. There are better options. Reach out. We can help you.
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