Dear white people. Don't just tweet about black men when we're getting beat or shot by police in a video on Twitter because it'll get you retweets.

Tweet about us when we're alive, and in the community doing positive things too. If you really care about helping us.
We must combat the negative racial stereotypes in media, and continue accentuating the importance of positive representation. Positive Black men are underrepresented.
An actual study showed, seeing positive images of Black people helps reduce racial bias in older White and Asian children. Telling stories of Black people "contributing positively to the community" was successful in reducing implicit racial bias in children aged 9 to 11.
A lot of White people underestimate the power of simply telling a Black person that you value their life. Timing is important, but I promise you those words genuinely spoken followed with action could help change a Black life & improve public perception.
Black people shouldn't have to die to be appreciated & remembered. Value us alive.
. @TylerPerry organized a Thanksgiving food giveaway and fed 5k families. #ValueUsAlive
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