#Thread 27 evil things #Somali #President #Farmaajo did in the last 4 years,he doesn't deserve a relection and the Ethiopian puppet belongs to jail.

1.handing '77 war hero #Qalbi #Dhagax to "Ethiopia.
2.He did not make a priority to fight against #AlShabaab as he promised.
3.Not completing the constitution untill now.

4.Secret deals he granted #China fishing license for just million bucks.

5. Giving away for undisclosed ports to our No#1 enemy( #Ethiopia)
6. Giving #Erdogan son-in-law the #Mogadishu airport and port for the next 20 years.

7.The massacre he commited against D&M,JL tribes using #Ethiopian forces.

8. Installing puppet presidents and loyal MPs in #Galmudug, #SWS and #Hirshabbelle, no respect for the locals.
9.Weaponizing the airspace.
Putting blockade on the citizens of #Kismayo.

10. Sideling the #federalism all Somalis agreed on and promoting centralism that caused our downfall in '91.

11.Denying 7K #Puntland graduates to get their certificates and their share of scholarships.
12.Welcoming the #QatarFM to #Mogadishu only a month after NYTimes exposed him ordering the #Bossaso terrorist attack.

13.Attacking peacefull regions in JL to help his clan overthrow a peacefull and thriving FMS causing 460K to flee from #Gedo and end up in IDPs in #Kenya.
14.Nominating known former terrorists and warlords to top sensitive and important positions in his government like #NISA cheif #Fahad and #Finish as the #Mogadishu mayor.

15.Two of the biggest #terorrist attacks in #Somali history with the most casualty happened under his watch
16.Caused the increase of AS man-power and controlled land in the South by not destroying them.

17.Adding #ONLF to the list of terrorist organization in the world and siding with Ethiopian over the Ogaden liberating warriors who are fighting to free our ppl in Ethiopia.
18.Arresting and assassinating journalists and media personals in Mogdishu if they write about the N&N goons, thanks to Somalia became no#1 most unsafe place for a journalist to work at during the last three years.
19.facilitied a theft,corruption and mismanageming the IC donations intended to implement major projects, the #Mogadishu stadium and #Barawe is a prime example.
20.threatening opposition groups and constantly abusing former presidents and FMS presidents using N&N bots, also responsible for instigating tribal hate and animosity among all Somali by spending millions of dollars on N&N troll farm designed to hide failures of his government.
21.Failing to implement the 1M1V election process in Somalia.

22.Underming and trying to destroy SL, Farmaajo tried to stop the SL livestock import business to Saudi Arabia, he also interfered in their airspace by letting Qatar,Israel to fly all over the region.
23.Denying all opposing FMS states their share of IC donations and investing only one city(Mogadishu) rather than all regions.
24. #Farmaajo and his PM #Khayre lied to the public by promising to help implement major projects in their regions and it always turned out to be a political stunt,igu sawir, Hobyo port,the Mogdishu Afgooye road and many projects which later became a haox and a lie.
25. Permitting #Israel airlines fly over #Somaliland and #PL and keeping the revenue to himself.

26.Agreeing to have more Ethiopians troops to invade Somalia, since he came to power the Ethiopian army presence in Somali regions was only 2 regions and now 5 regions.
27. Nominating most important cabinet ministers in Somalia to uneducated and former cab drivers which is an embarrassment to all Somalis, brought nepotism back and gave important jobs to ppl he either related to them through blood,qabiil,marriage and former business associates.
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