Okay here goes my own personal experience with AA & LV.

First of all, I want to say I haven’t talked to anyone about what I’m about to post ☝🏼

If yalls names comes up, I’m sorry 😂

In August 2018, Derek reached out to me to join AA... they were trying to reach out to the
Latinx community. I was asked to help run their social media in Spanish. At first I was also helping with a few translations here and there. I was so excited to join a “porra” that was supporting Austin FC. AA always liked to mention that they were the first official supporters
group for the team & since I’m a huge soccer fan I was like “yep, this is where I belong”. Since AA was the only supporters group at the time, we got special invites to different Austin FC events. I was always bragging about going to events & tried to recruit more people to join
AA. I failed multiple times. I think the only person I recruited was my brother 💀 because everyone else thought the name didn’t sound right 🤭 as time went by, I felt like no one ever listened to what I had to say. I stopped trying to recruit people. We were supposed to organize
events to recruit more “raza” & that never happened because their leadership team never helped to do so. It’s like they wanted the Latin/Hispanic members to organize the event in the name of AA. The only 2 times that we did something to recruit more raza, no one from their
leadership showed up. No one. In my time at AA, I talked to their leadership members about 1-2 times in person. They would never come up to me to say hi. Same thing happened to my brother when he showed up to events. I usually sat as far away from most people because I didn’t
feel so comfortable being around some AA members back then. If anything, I usually talked to Derek, Katie, Jorge, Gabby & the Torres brothers. I turned off my notifications from AA’s Slack around March of 2020 & focused on school. I knew nothing about AA unless I saw their social
media posting things. In the middle of May, I received a message from an ex AA member asking me if I’d seen what happened with AA & if I was interested in joining another supporters group. I went to AA’s Slack & read messages in which people were officially
resigning from their positions within AA. I was shocked 🤯 I’m not even going to go into detail about what some of those messages said. But people were not even mad, they were more disappointed that their opinions never mattered.
THAT was exactly how I felt. I left the AA’s Slack app & joined the new supporters group (Now known as Los Verdes).

This is where a lot of things get interesting. The new supporters group voted on what they were going to be called: “Los Verdes”. They also voted on what merch
was going to be included in the membership kit. They voted on who was going to be part of their leadership team “Starting XI”.

I felt welcomed right away. Everyone was so friendly to each other & everyone made sure that our voices were heard.

La Murga de Austin also decided to
be independent of ANY supporters group but AA thought they wanted to get away from them because most of the murga members were now LV members. Murga asked to buy the drums that were “owned” by AA & AA said no because they were petty that most of their members were leaving to LV🙄
LV had an event in the stadium parking lot & murga members showed up with the drums & AA said they were gonna sue them if they didn’t have the drums back by a specific date. Mind you, those drums were bought in the name of AA but mainly due to the effort of Murga members 😑 as
of today, I think the drums are still in the hands of AA because they don’t want Murga to have them. I think they only use them to take pictures 💀
Luckily, Murga was able to buy more drums & they’re stronger than ever!

After LV was created, some AA members stopped following
me & other LV members on social media... I believe that was out of pettiness 🤷🏻‍♀️
A lot of us have tried to be in good terms with AA, but they keep trying to make it seem like there’s some kind of rivalry between both SGs. Murga members edited a picture of an AA scarf & replaced
the letters with “Murga de Austin” & AA got mad because apparently that’s weak photoshop & it wasn’t right to do so. Now they posted a picture of a group of people (most of them now LV members) on their website to promote membership 🤷🏻‍♀️ when asked to remove the picture, they
said they won’t remove it unless Murga removes theirs too 😂😂
Last week, there was some drama on Twitter between LV & AA members 🍿 & one of their main people said that they couldn’t let the inmates run the asylum, meaning leadership is the one making all the decisions
for the entire SG. That’s exactly why most of the old AA members are now LV members 😌
AA has been invited to events & they just don’t show up 🤷🏻‍♀️ I saw maybe 2-3 of them at Texas soccer games. I saw some of them at the drive in event & when Murga played they didn’t
even get close to everyone else 🤦🏻‍♀️
They have said that Austin FC prohibited them from using verde as part of AA colors, but I’ve never seen anything on paper or some kind of contract explicitly saying so. LV never had an issue using verde for their merch 🤔
Last, I want to say I have nothing against AA. But I am TIRED of a lot of LV members trying to make peace with them with no success. I love my club, I really do, and the stupid pettiness shown by most AA is just getting on my nerves. We’re all gonna be sitting together in the
same stadium, wearing the same jersey, singing songs played by murga🙄 (unless y’all have y’alls own songs) 😯 ya mejor den el brazo a torcer 😘

Some AA members are still cool AF, but some others need to stop thinking about their brand... a membership for $100? 💸 I know they
have more memberships but that one just blew my mind...

If anyone is trying to join a SG, choose whichever you want, but let’s just be in peace from now going forward... 2021 is around the corner & I don’t want anyone to be rolling their eyes at me at the stadium 😇

PS. I will not remove any tweets. I’m just tweeting what I know from what I’ve heard, seen or read.
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