I regard trauma-informed care as a wolf in sheeps clothing expanding the reach of the 'put in quote marks' 'personality disorder'.

Promote "TIC", frame all mental illness as a response to trauma, expand developmental trauma as aetiology for 'distress', increase pd 'formulations' https://twitter.com/ShieldingG/status/1330872890477191168
I dont think it is any coincidence at all that the pilot on TEWV wards of trauma-informed care resulted in 86% of pts without a PD dx being given a new dx of PD.
The thought of this approach being further embedded across services makes me feel utter despair.
It is so utterly irresponsible.

Think about it.

How do healthcare staff like nurses view developmental trauma? As a 'social crisis' not a healthcare crisis. What is the typical response when mh services view a crisis as social rather than health?
Oh yes, 'take responsibility'.
When services push for trauma-informed care, & emphasise the role of trauma in all mental 'distress'/illness, there is a shift away from offering healthcare interventions.

That might be great for ppl who see their primary problem as developmental trauma.
But what happens to other ppl? Healthcare professionals increasingly see problems as social & relational in nature, they either increase PD dx or do formulations that are
PD in all but name AND THEN comes the coerced risk taking, refusal of medication, 'you've got capacity'..
In other words the neglect & restriction of access to usual & proven methods of suicide prevention & care. Meanwhile the staff compliment themselves on how brave they are for overcoming risk aversion, protecting human rights & empowering pts (while taking away treatment options).
I'd rather stay alive than have a trauma-informed service.

A trauma-informed service is liable to neglect suicidal pts & result in more deaths.
And if death or self-injury doesn't occur then there is always the psychological torture of begging for help when you are at your most utterly vulnerable & being refused that help because of trauma-informed ideas & ideological rationalisations about withholding suicide care.
And in addition to the psychological torture at the time, there is the long-term mental torment from the memory of it, the consequent terror, utter terror, of getting ill again & having no access to the needed TRADITIONAL suicide interventions.
Like knowing you could have another mini-heart attack & the NHS will refuse you treatment for your own good because you know you need treatment & therefore the real 'treatment' is to refuse you treatment. (Yeah the utter mind-fuckery) And you live in terror as a result.
Trauma-informed care is utterly traumatic. And lethal.
A wolf in sheep's clothing.
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