1. Thread on E. Twitter banned him again when he gave a clue to his identity. Not got a copy of tweet to hand but will add to thread if someone has. Anyone Ezra went to Parler and I will add some of his Parler messages here...
3. A couple of vids which you will have to go to Parler for. Cant give you linsk as parler is quite clunky often
4. One of the first messages was DECLAS is coming, IN FULL, I work quickly...
5. Together we win, and Lets have some fun with the next account. Presumably this he means twitter account... #E #EtheFriend #EWill...
6. There is no Cue Anon only anons, and United we stand, together we win
7. E talks about linking to @EzraACohen
- he has heard good things about that persons work... and having some fun with that account, lets drive it home. So best follow... #EzraCohen #EzraCohenWatnick
8. Ezra says he outplayed them all... and gave info to the people... #E #Ezra #ETheFriend
9. Stay united and have a free exchange of ideas...
10. Hold the line. Stay the course, keep walking , the walls will fall...
11. Tweets a DOD document on cyberspace accountability...
12. parlers his speech and a green light...
13. Says CIA will be broken into a thousand pieces...
14. He is not affiliated with anyone...
15. When fraud is proven, it exposes the system of control...
16. Fraud will be proven in court. Hold the lone. Stay the course... Global control must end...
17. Be brave you will see miracles happen...
18. Biblical
19. Dominion Voting Systems is the dam starting to burst... Assange, Epstein, CIA and more. Mockingbirds... and real change... #cabal #illuminati
20. Ok thats vast majority of posts up to date, to see the vids you will have to go to parler, https://parler.com/profile/EWillHelpYou/posts , i just wanted to show you what E /Ezra has posted on parler so far. Remember follow @EzraACohen on twitter...
21. Sorry there's a load of typos, but been doing it quickly. Most should make sense...
22. add this from @50ShadesOfQ just wanted to add this link for all the Eye the Spy Videos so you can go through them sequentially
24. 17 sec video of eagle - The eagle returns - in reference no doubt to General Flynn, scourge of the deep state cabal... cant give specific link to vid but here is general one https://parler.com/profile/EWillHelpYou/posts
25. Stay the course. Do not falter. Do not sway. Stand your ground. Calm and resolute. We will not fail you. E
26. Enter the Lion... W.W.G.1
27. from last night - Enjoy the Rally tonight
28. Have courage, we will not fail you. E #E
29. Child Pornography - Deep State
30. Spread the Information - no specialist info needed.
31. You want to strike at the deep state. Spread the information. Be LOUD. Protect our children #csa #childabuse
32. When the light shines in every corner the dark will have nowhere to hide. Public awareness is more powerful than you think
33. Stay focused. Be Loud.
34. So to repost this. The French Telecoms company "Free" host masses of child sexual abuse material (US call it child pornography) which is trafficked all over the world. Expose and spread this info...
35. To fight the dark, you must turn on the light. #E #Ewill
36. ...We elected Trump to destroy the deep state. #EWillHelpYou #E
37. Do you remember what I told you happens in the end? You rise up. E #EWillHelpYou #E
38. ... stay focused. United not divided.
39. This is from a previous account but I put it here now as i just came across it again #standardhotel #e https://twitter.com/VOCRadioRobDoc/status/1336838005118693379
40. E posted a 17 second video of a twister with Buckle Up caption... I cant post parler vids here but this is a still... https://parler.com/profile/EWillHelpYou/posts #E
41. This is a good vid of things E has said... #E https://twitter.com/JfkJuni0r/status/1337787642197409793
42. 🔥You have long sought action to match the rhetoric. You will find it just ahead. Be Ready. 🔥 #E
43. 5 second video "You shall not pass"
44. Julian Paul Assange
46. This is where babylon falls.
Speak, Old Friend
47. Justice by Rudyard Kipling.
So fitting for the night's news isn't it.
[W.P.B] as promised.
*only two now remain to keep off the light*
49. E comments on the trolls and not being able to ban him on Parler...
50. There then followed an E Question and Answer session, which I am not going to transfer to twitter. At least 45 answers so far... https://parler.com/profile/EWillHelpYou/posts
51. I will place here a few answers of my choice...
Barr will not be back
52. New Attorney General on 23rd...
53. Since Parler is clunky and complicated for Q and A I will put answers and a bit of paraphrased question subject - where are the likes of Soros etc?
54. Do you trust Pompeo? #Pompeo
55. What is Trump doing with this vaccine stuff? #vaxxine #vaccine
56. Will Assange be freed? #assange
57. When is declas? when justice is ready...
58. What about Hillary/Huma vid?...
59. Re election...
60. Election again...
61. E Asked about deaddrops...
62. Re Q...
63. Do they intend a population reduction?...
64. Ok thats it for now, all questions were paraphrased, quote at your own risk, best to check the source, this thread is just a guide. Questions answered in comments https://parler.com/profile/EWillHelpYou/comments
E posts here https://parler.com/profile/EWillHelpYou/posts
65. Looks as though E has been having fun with CNN...
66. E writes about some of the things that he has released to the public to thwart the deep state eg about Syria, Ukraine, NSA, Stormy, gas masks/covid...
67. E has posted "iacta alea est" which is original phrase attributed by Suetonius to Julius Caesar on January 10, 49 BC, as he led his army across the Rubicon river. This inspired phrase "crossing the rubicon" which is a metaphor that means to pass a point of no return...
68. So "the die has been cast" but does this also mean martial law due to the nature of the metaphor? It comes when Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller has ordered the Pentagon to cease briefing Joe Biden and his transition team and just before Chris Miller meets Pres Trump
69. Embrace what you believe, and fight for it. https://parler.com/profile/EWillHelpYou/posts #E
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