1/ In a world where many people are deeply unhappy with what is happening, many wonder what they can do. How can an ordinary person have an impact?
Noncompliance is the key and the simplest and most effective thing you can do is to take off your mask.
Here are 5 reasons to do so
2/ REASON 1:
The Danish Mask study confirms what we already knew - Masks do not protect you (i.e. the wearer). This is now as settled as it's going to be. There is no good evidence to suggest they protect wearers and an abundance that they don't.
3/ Mask advocates are left appealing to 'Source Control' - the idea that masks prevent you, the wearer, from spreading SARS-CoV II to others. But that's the thing - it's just an idea, totally unproven. The only evidence is observational data and mechanistic data. As Heneghan says
4/ Observational data is looking at areas that introduced masks & observing results. It's unreliable but ok, let's look at all the countries that introduced masks and we see how cases shot up. There's more observational data against masks than for them https://twitter.com/CovidSenseBloke/status/1297865055036411905?s=20
6/ Mechanistic data is basically people playing with aerosol sprays and masks in the lab. It is so removed from the real world as to be utterly irrelevant to it.
Masks might have their place in lab settings but that does not translate to the real world. It is very weak data.
7/ REASON 2:
Masks might cause you harm. I'm not saying they definitely do but there's evidence and that evidence is no weaker than that used to support wearing them.
Mark Changizi does a great job of listing the various harms here: https://twitter.com/MarkChangizi/status/1296837214429683714?s=20
8/ And Kevin McKernan raises possibility that masks, instead of stopping large droplets, may nebulise them which would increase their infectiousness by allowing them to be inhaled deep down into our lungs. May explain rise in cases everywhere they are used https://twitter.com/Kevin_McKernan/status/1320032362550464516?s=20
10/ The idea that we might be spreading Covid asymptomatically is the only reason for a healthy person to wear a mask. If you're healthy, you're not infectious so no need for a mask. If you're sick, stay home like you would for a normal cold. Problem solved.
11/ REASON 4:
You're not going to get arrested. I can't speak for every country but I don't believe anyone has been arrested in Ireland under the Face Covering legislation. (A couple may have been arrested under Public order offences).
12/ I've not worn a mask once and I haven't been arrested, fined, or asked to leave a shop. Worst was a fellow shopper asking me where my mask was. It is, for the most part, a false threat. Don't be fooled by it.
If challenged, be polite but you're under no obligation to explain.
13/ REASON 5:
Masks are, simply, the clear, outward sign that you believe the Government's narrative and that you support it and their life destroying restriction.
Once you accept masks don't help, taking them off is the simplest and most effective way to resist this.
14/ Our Governments all govern through compliance and that is the same for lockdowns, masks, or anything else. Noncompliance, rather than violence, is the way to resist when they try to force you to do something injurious, stupid, or wrong.
The above is one suggested way to do so
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