Tragic Happiness: Akihito Narihisago...
I’ll be breaking down Akihito Narihisago’s journey to finding happiness

Let me preface this by saying that I originally only ever watched id:invaded because my favorite VA Kenjiro Tsuda voiced our main protagonist, and let me say it was easily one of the most captivating experiences I’ve ever had viewing a series, Akihito Narihisago being
an amalgamation of every aspect of the series that I find compelling, I could write an entire op-ed on the most bewitching details of the series but let me not bore you with a colossus of unmitigated praise and breakdown the most emblematic elements of the series......happiness
specifically as it pertains to Narihisago. If it isn’t abundantly clear in the beginning of the series Narihisago comes off as an exceptionally curmudgeonly individual, this is made clear by his everlasting frown, coupled with his monotonic speech patterns, general apathy, and
crippling introversion, it makes you wonder what birthed this apathetic and matter-of-fact attitude? This temperament manifested itself from the trauma brought from his entire family being murdered at the happiest point of his life, and his helplessness to protect them formed...
... into a deep and intense hatred towards serial killers, so much so that he rushed to kill the perpetrator (named “the challenger” a psychopath that gets joy from challenging his targets to drawn out fist fights to the death)
completely disregarding the due process necessary in convicting him, which in turn led to him being convicted and thrown into prison. That trauma and his internal struggles of not being able to find happiness is the cornerstone of his personality, and barriers he needs to...
overcome. Which brings me to my next point, narihisago has always been a kind hearted and benevolent person, with a burning passion of protecting the innoncent, that passion is in part something that would best serve his happinesss, and this desire to protect the innocent never
faded even in his current misery he never fundamentally changed his primitive inclinations, and it is exactly that, that makes him happy and the best way for him to facilitate in the bery unique position he finds himself in is to continue servicing as a labrat for kura and...
busting serial killers via the Mizuhanome System, despite the gradual mental and physical deterioration it has on himself. This is backed by his indomitable...
determination to help kaeru, or to save the little girl from episode 4 and his reaction upon hearing the news of her being already dead, that reaction being barely containable insurmountable rage to the killer in question. It’s quite tragic actually, one of the many outfalls...
narisihago has is finally being able to save an innocent civilian from the clutches of a crazed madman, being intelligently framed in a way that gives us, the audience, a semblance of hope that he’ll finally be able to emerge from his psychological slump of misery, however the..
result is played out almost exactly the same as what led to narihisago’s downward spiral to begin with, this subversion further contributes to the feeling of visceral hopelessness in a way that makes the show all the more immersive....
“I didn't particularly want them dead. I had no malice towards any of them, but this overwhelming urge to kill just welled up inside me, and that's when I realized, I could take this person's life. So I did. There's no other reason.”
this quote comes off as an unhinged rant by narihisago and one would be right to call it unhinged, because it is, but what you have to understand is this line of thinking materialized because of the circumstances surrounding the death of his family and is specifically geared....
towards serial killers, so although he undoubtedly has a twisted pleasure for seeing the psychological dismantling of his targets it doesn’t at all contradict his desire to protect the innocent because of the lack of overlap between the two. Serial killers take the lives of the..
innocent, narihisago wants to protect the innocent, so in order to further protect them, disposing of serial killers is the best course of action to take, simply capturing them isn’t enough, systematically shattering their psyche is a fitting punishment in his eyes and that...
demented method of delivering justice towards the prisoners is yet another way for him to experience any kind of joy or happiness. Since he’s seemingy only ever happy in artificially crafted worlds he relies on those for salvation this rhapsody is further extrapolated upon....
when he gets sucked into the phony reality world of the id well within an id well his powerlessness to delineate between reality and fiction further contributes to his unhappiness, the gravitas of his false happiness sinks in when he meets Koharu who summarily elucidates that....
he is only living in an id well within an id well, which sets up some of the most emotionally despondent and disconsolate segments in the entire series and makes narihisago’s journey to happiness all the more solemn. Despite the obsequious amounts of adversity that narihisago...
undergoes and the realization of the superficiality of his happiness, he still never loses his purpose, and that very realization only reinforced and harnessed which led to the sound and riveting defeat of John Walker, who was directly responsible for the crafting of serial...
killers and expediated the death of narihisago’s family, and by defeating john walker, narihisago has arguably prevented further death of innocent civilians at the hands of more serial killers, which again lets the audience take solace in another window of opportunity that...
narihisago can take in securing a clear defined purpose.
Also pain.
Also I’m back btw
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