Let's start a list of things trump has exposed that we need to fix:
1. Cable TV news-bring back fairness doctrine?
2. Background checks for ALL candidates running?
3. Mandatory tax returns shared with public?
4. 5 independent doctors do periodic exams, results shared publicly?
5. Ignore a subpoena, go to jail?
6. "Acting " positions can be held for less than 30 days?
7. Increase # of SCOTUS, figure out better way to appoint?
8. Emolument must be a law?
9. No insider trading. All congressmen and families must put stock into blind account?
10. Make election day a national holiday? Make voting mandatory like Australia?
11. All vacations/time off fees to S.Service/AF1 be covered by POTUS? (Imagine the total $ spent on his trips!)

There are SO many more. What other things do we need to do to shore up our Democracy?
Some additions based on all the great comments:
12. Nepotism laws
13. Term limits
14. Rules/waiting periods (I think total ban) on any former government worker being a lobbies
15. Ditch Citizens United. Allow small dollar gifts/put limits in how much can be donated
Copied from @TomJChicago because they are perfect!
16. Remove DOJ from executive branch.
17. Subpoenas of executive branch can be forcibly executed. No exceptions
18. The Senate can’t vote to not hear evidence during an impeachment trial
19. End using the courts to stall
20. Criminalize propaganda when it involves reporting a false crime
More additions!
21. Get rid of gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics
22. Just thought of another: NO more electronic voting-must have paper trial for EVERY vote cast. Voting machines need to be uniform, taken off line and supplied by government, not random 3rd parties?
23. Ditch stupid Memo that says President cannot be indicted
24. Loads of people want Electoral College eliminated. Not sure that will happen but maybe it could be updated to be more fair? Let's reevaluate how WE are being represented? Why does CA have less say than Montana? Some logical issues here with EC that need to be addressed!
25. IQ test/basic civics test. Maybe someone that hasn't been in politics ever shouldn't be able to run for highest position?
26. Psych Eval. I had this as assumed in early thread but yes, independent eval done quarterly?
27. Look again at 25th ammendment. Clearly that failed.
Had to hand write a list so I could add all the great ideas.
28. Mandatory random drug tests
29. Civics, history and how to spot propaganda taught in schools
30. Disclosure of all foreign bank accounts/business ties
31. No more lifetime appointments. To anything.
32. Mandatory refresher/training courses
33. FARA laws for news platforms so have to regulate news appropriately
34. Make FB news org so they have to follow same laws
35. Bills cannot be held up in Senate forever like they are now
36. Limits on pardon power. No self, family or co-conspirators can be pardoned. Limit # allowed per year.
37. Shorten transition time
38. Visitor logs must be mandatory
39. Less power to unilaterally leave important, longstanding pacs.
40. Independent ethics committee
41. No SCOTUS picks in an election year
42. Propoganda laws
43. New Civil rights and voting rights act implemented
44. USPS address how in the world DeJoy was able to do what he did so it can never happen again
45. Automatically registered to vote at age 18
46. No immunity for President or VP
47. Repeal Apportion Act which froze House at 435. We would become more Democratic without that.
48. No vacation for senators and congress if they don't get work done. Strip their pay and benefits if they shut down government
49. Hatch Act-actually ENFORCE the damn thing?
50. All school transcripts made public
51. No secret servers-no way for any emails to be deleted. Sensitive info needs to be saved by whatever agency but nothing should ever "go away" or vanish
52. Hand marked paper ballots only
Okay, every tweet after #11 is based on your suggestions. I cannot give everyone credit or I'd never sleep but I've gotten SO many great suggestions. I'm going to add to list. I'm taking notes and then adding when I'm able.
53. Make net neutrality a law
54. Codify Roe v Wade
55. (My opinion) No reporting on presidents children under age 18/21? No photos unless approved. No negative comment by media. Ever.
56. An impeached president should not be able to appoint SCOTUS, give pardons or run for reelection.
57. Call notes from foreign leaders recorded
58. Press secretary must take X amount of answers & not just from reporters they like. Also not assist with election activities
59. IG's cannot be fired by executive branch or by anyone they are responsible to audit.
60. DOJ needs to be independent. Not run by exec branch.
61. ALL judicial appointments must be rated fully qualified
62. All WH employees must pass too security clearance. NO waivers.
63. Get rid of nuclear football. Make any decision of that magnitude be approved by more than just president
From @HelenArmstrong5
Love these!!

64. LIMITS on time for campaigning & running for office. In Canada, the whole affair for any election is ~ 2 to 3 months from the date the govt calls an election-election day
65. LIMITS on spending for any campaign/all contributions public
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