While all of the new eyes on $YFL, the questions have been pouring in the Discord of why should I hold YFL? “I can’t read” “I don’t know how to do math” “Red pill me”…well, here are your answers…
This is a shared google doc, so please save a copy or wait your turn while others play with it.
“But I don’t know how to do math”…The last couple days alone $YFL has been averaging in $2M in trading volume. A host of trading pairs will be launched at release including $LINK, $BONK, $YAX, $MASQ $DRC, $ZUT, $GSWAP, …could think amount to 5, 10, 20M…
@fillbeforeshill has been droopping hints of the Linkswap effect. As a potential altseason approaches, exponential volume may be coming to DeFi. The estimates above, along with several new pairs could lead to some massive volume. https://twitter.com/fillbeforeshill/status/1329764357732003841?s=20
@yflpepe has been dropping alpha along the way. There may be some hidden alpha here that could result in that volume spike. https://twitter.com/yflpepe/status/1326321109277450240?s=20
Using the calculator, let’s say you purchase have, or purchase 20 YFL tokens. If daily average volume is $10M, your weekly return is $310. $20M in volume is $610 weekly…
Some of those “other” swaps are doing 20-50M daily. And I’ll just leave this here…we are @Quantstamp certified. $YFL has taken the time to build a great product, and earn the trust of the community. https://twitter.com/YFLinkio/status/1330246885270056967?s=20
On top of that, there are incentivized pairs, rewards for YFL/ETH will be rewarded at 3X normal rewards, and YFL/LINK at 1.5X from a donor whale up to 1000 YFL! Get your funds ready to LP and earn massive rewards early!
But the hidden gem is, rewards are paid out in $YFL!! This creates constant buy pressure on the token itself and appreciates price on your initial investment. Staking in vault, $YFL in LP, and rewards in YFL will constrict supply leading to exponential price movement.
Get ready, the awareness phase of this beast is about to be launched. @curvethots and @mortynr297 have been working on top notch professional marketing. A YFL 101 website will be launched, and intense marketing vidz are coming. My adrenaline is pumping https://twitter.com/cryptomemez/status/1329808557349478401?s=20
You can follow @L4mbofG0d.
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