#Breaking #BreakingNews
The Dominion Voting System servers were pinged 250 times at as the quad notation/address & all came back Belgrade, Serbia. OTPOR, is #GeorgeSoros' org & Popovic brought down Serbia's President Slobodan Milošević. BLM & Antifa are Otpur
We have done work on tracking the ips also & the network of this organization. We found that the servers route from Serbia to SouthAfrica to an organization again funded by & connected to #GeorgeSoros &go
Us -> Serbia -> Africa -> china ->Canada -> US
Frankfurt goes to Russia
#Dominion Voting Systems software is programmed in #Serbia. Soros' Canvas group with Otpur based in Serbia. BLM & Antifa are subgroups of Otpur, like subsidiaries, Funded & supported by & by Soros. Popovic is in the #USA now. Clinton is close to the Serbian President Vučić
The #serbia connection goes to #PaulWollner of #AfricaOnCloud who is close relationship with & funded by #GeorgeSoros. His brother #AdamWollner is from Wisconsin a disputed state, & is a lobbyist in DC funded by #GeorgeSoros heavily&works w' him personally in #Germany & others
#Adam Wollner Introduced Billionaire investor George Soros speaks during a panel discussion at the Nicolas Berggruen Conference in Berlin, #Germany. He is even featured on #GeorgeSoros' website. Germany origin these guys. He is an "Original author" on #Opensecrets website?
Soros-Nazi Germany
Soros' methods?
'Serbs' say "We do know how he sets up shop. antifa foot men, hacker networks. his main goal is crashing their money system in SA" Soros buys banks, Cloud-software companies, Does HedgeFunds, & Software manipulation.
#SouthAfrica has erupted into Race-War BlackOnWhite Violence over the last few years & it's well funded. Who is funding it? It is organized & many small organizations are supporting it with political rhetoric which fans the flames. They are all funded
Huge numbers of radical Left-Wing Militant orgs & their political counterparts funded by Soros. Everything that's inflammatory in society, everything that is fringe, that leads to militancy & revolt & disturbing of societal fabrics. A disturbing web.
Indeed Adam Wollner blogs articles on http://opensecrets.org .
Very interesting since these people have so many Non-opensecrets. How to appear Open? Blog on the Opensecrets website. The illusion of political cover, it's an artform of Acting & espionage https://www.opensecrets.org/news/author/awollner/
Funding Far-Left-Wing Fringe causes & working with far-left-wing government officials who then pass Taxpayer funds to him to these orgs where a hefty cut is taken to be used for "Political Militancy Actions" Funding Transhumanism & Endless support for Sex trafficking industry
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