BaNambya people are found in Hwange & surrounding areas in Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe. Learn some basic Nambya phrases here.
2. Good morning, how are you? — mamuka chini?

Fine thanks, and you? — ndamuka wamuka chini?

What is your name? — ndiwani izina lilo? My name is . . . — izina langu ndimi . . .

How do I get to Hwange? — ndoswika chini kuHwange?

When are you coming? — unozha lini?
3.Nambya people have an interesting life — BaNambya bana nobupenyu bunonakilija.

Where can l find good food? — kulya kuboda kunowanikwa kupi.

goodbye — topela tobonana.

good luck — ubene mhazha imbodo.

please — ndakumbila.

thank you — taboka

l love you - ndokuda.
4. Mazhuba emviki (days of the week)

Imviki inamazhuba mashanu namabili (a week has 7 days)

Muvulo- Monday
BwaBili - Tuesday
BwaTatu - Wednesday
BwaChina - Thursday
BwaShanu - Friday
Ungibelo- Saturday
Insondo - Sunday

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