So people know where I stand: I don’t read Q or follow anything Q. I don’t “believe” in Q. From what little I’ve seen indirectly, it appears to me to be a LARP and/or a troll. I definitely don’t & won’t take it seriously. If you do, that’s your prerogative; it’s a free country./1
In terms of the “Deep State,” I have a perspective on that. I’ve lived & worked in & around DC since at least 93 dealing extensively w/the federal govt - by representing people against it. /2
I do not believe in an intentional conspiracy of any kind by or amongst government employees or appointees & other DC centered peoole, much less one involving pedophiles. /3
However, there is a common mentality on the part of many people living here & working for and around the govt (lawyers, media, non-profits) that causes them to act in ways that reinforce one another. They don’t have to conspire; they already think the same things. /4
That mentality is bureaucratic & undemocratic & elitist, unfortunately. It operates seamlessly & without the need for overt instruction or agreement, so it’s not a conspiracy. It just is because they all think alike already. /5
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