I need to dispel a misnomer about the biggest move President Trump made this week. It has everything to do with the Kraken.
I keep seeing so many people speaking of Special Forces, as if they are the embodiment of Special Operations.
Absolutely not the case.
While the Green Beret are a component of Special operations. They are only 1 piece of a far larger tapestry. I mean far larger!
see the main command @USSOCOM
First is the Army. Being the largest service, naturally has the most @USASOCNews https://www.army.mil/usasoc  components of Special Operations. Airborne
1. Special Forces
2. Delta Forces
3. 75Th Ranger Regiment
4. 160Th SOAR (unit in which I served)
5. 4th Psyop group
6. 8th Psyop group
9. 95th Civil Affairs BDE
10. 528 Support BDE
11. USASOC (off shoot of 160 which is component of)
has of course the S.E.A.L. teams
1. Group 1, odd numbered teams
2. Group 2, even numbered teams (6 is not included)
3. Group 3, basicly they have lots of toys that gitr done, land
4. Group 4, more toys on the sea
5. Group (I forget the #) Is the support units
Seal team 6. the Pentagons favorite whipping boy whenever Spec Ops gets media attention. PR trots out Seal team 6 for the drive by media to talk out of their ass. Hilarious.
They dont exist but on paper at JSOC (joint special operations command)
Is simple and complicated at once.
there are a number Wings in Special Operations. Wiki details them.
most are located near or around SOCOM in Florida
of Note are the Oklahoma and New Mexico Wings.
and Para Rescue, love those guys.
Force Recon (MARSOC)
or 3 units of Raiders.
land, sea, air and support.
Puddle Pirates. (coast guard)
have three distict units. not versed well on their operations
upcoming will be the spaceforce contribution..
that being said, Ezra Cohen Watnick, was made secretary of SOCOM.
cutting out the CIA and Pentagon out of the chain of command.
He is the 2nd most powerful individual on the planet. CINC being #1 . Considering also, SOCOMs control over British SAS....
Follow this man
@EzraACohen here
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You can follow @neville1776.
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