#Breaking #BreakingNews
"Dominion" Found of Longstanding Evil Origin traced to The 'Queen's Privy Council' of International Slavers, Conquering of Nations, The Dark Evil Ages of Imperialism, Insurrectionists, Mi6, Slavery, Plantations, Denial of #WomensRights & #DominionResources
#Dominion IS NOT just a "Voting machines company from #Canada." A Dominion was the name given to the Conquered, Murdered, Raped, Pillaged, Stolen & Overthrown & now Controlled, SLAVE Colonies of the Queen's British White Supremacy Imperialism. #BLM? Not to Rulers of "Dominion"
#Dominions" refers to all territories belonging to the Crown.
How were these territories taken to become such? War, Subversion, Murder, Economic Warfare, Political Manipulation, Insurrection, Infiltration & Imposition of Central Banks, Threats, Honey Pots, & Assassinations.
The #British Crown for HUNDREDS of years has been one of Elitism, Control, Slavery, Immense Greed, with "the Queen" owning a reported as much as 1/6th of all land on earth with estimates to an excess of over 360 TRILLION Dollars, as just 30 Billion would solve the food crisis
"The OLD Flag, the OLD POLICY, the OLD LEADER."
Slavery, LIMITED Representation. ELITISM as opposed to Populism. RULE & Taxation by leaders from afar, NOT Collective republics of democratic local representation of independent persons, & states. #America had to WAR to stop it.
The #British #Dominion Ran #America. From the Slavery Plantation Era of Ralph Northam's #Virginia to the Energy Exploration & Sales of the #Rockefeller's & #DominionResources They've been the Controllers of the Western World for the last 200 YEARS & in an endless War vs Rights
The Elite houses of the #British Crown Neo-Imperialism Slavers have fought tooth & nail AGAINST independence, Voting rights, Local representation, Small Business, Against #America independent & have been the Robber-Barons of the Ages. Mi6 their intelligence agency was pivotal.
Many #British "Elites" live in the USA including #Billgates, who is related to the Queen of #England, has been knighted, also related to King of France & Greece, Heads of Founders of JP Morgan, Standard Oil of the Rockefellers, who built the NSA-CIA-Intel agency infrastructure
The "Queens Privy Council" Includes 2 of the world's most Famous International Criminal Insurrectionists, #GeorgeSoros, & "Lord of LIES" Mark #Malloch ( #SGO #Smartmatic- #Dominion) Who've stolen the #Elections thus Societies & Democracies of near 80 Nations around the world.
#GeorgeSoros has overthrown MANY nations, & created division-excuse for enslavement & intrusion via use of the same NAZI playbook when he worked DIRECTLY FOR ADOLPH HITLER, using Race-Wars & Funding Violent Leftist Policy to overthrow, Fueling Racist-Exterminism Eugenics.
The "Queen's Privy Council" & Racist #Democrats Funding & Supporting #Soros, have led to excuses for & the silent support of the racist depopulation campaigns& sterilization vax campaigns vs "Blacks First"& against the rise of Non-Elite support, while highjacking their issues
The #Dominion SLAVERY Legacy, spanning HUNDREDS of years, & their Corrupt Voting system, is DESIGNED to Disinfranchise voters. It's done in ANGST by the Elite against the idea that they get a say, & to create this ILLUSION of Freedom & Democracy where in REALITY Deception&Tax
#America had to go to WAR against the #UK to free themselves from their Demonic Slavery #Dominion System. The UK immediately sought tactics of espionage, Subversion, & #VoterFraud RIGGING which has continued until today, just now "Better & 'More Secure' than ever before.
These CORRUPT Oligarchs, Criminal Greedy Selfish SLAVER Elites, the same ones who've robbed nations of people, enslaved them,& Rig all policies against the poor, have endlessly done all they can to steal your voice, Rights, Future, & Opportunity, From Central Bank, to Voting.
The ENTIRE Voting machines system, while Blamed on Venezuelans, who ALSO fought against the Imperialist scourge & in Oil competition against #Dominion Resources, was designed by International CRIMINAL "Lord of LIES" Mark Malloch of the Queen's Privy Council & #SGO #Smartmatic
Malloch has long been involved in CRISIS Events commonly referred to as "False Flags" or "Live Exersizes" or "Active Events" in "Crisis Training" for Governments, to Propaganda & actively involved in UK intel from Serco to EPC to Qinetic, all over the world "Active Drills"
The Mi6 has long sought to subvert & pervade the intelligence communities of the USA, & many have written about the assistance provided them by Gates & others in the #Democrat plantation camps particularly of #Virginia #Georgia #NorthCarolina & others & of it's great success.
Malloch is ALSO THE Premier organizer on behalf of the #UK Crown to build the #NWO Elite "Sustainable Servitude & Control structure" Ran #UNDP to effect this program of Pay4Play Bribery to #Democrat type Mafia who will do bidding of the British-NAZI Interests around the world
Subverting #Elections for Bribes, Mafia Pay4Play Financial Crime & Money Laundering Kickbacks around the world in #CrimesAgainstHumanity at scale seldom seen in history, Malloch's Spider web of CRIMINAL influence & Financial Perversion at Crisis Group, to WEF & UNDP, MASSIVE
Subversion in 'Hijacking Propaganda' is their Speciality. They teach conferences in Mass manipulation & indoctrination & control of the masses & "Crisis Preparation Events" to achieve the same goal or as "Management Strategy" to achieve order. #COVID19 https://www.epcresilience.com/ 
Of course very close allies to Malloch are #BillGates & GatesFoundation, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Oxford w' Neil Ferguson's 20Million dead Crisis models, Witty& Hancock & Cambridge's Democrat Oligarchy Elitism Culture. Together they profit Hundreds Billions in Tax Transfers
Under these SAME ppl the last 150 years of Energy lack, pollution, pro-Nuclear policies, anti-Nikola Tesla direction, completely eliminating his physics & legacy in the education system, for pervasive World Control & Eugenics, has been wrought upon humanity as RIG #Elections
Their propaganda sales scheme is a veritable masterpiece. FRAUDING the whole world w' "Crisis Acts & Actors" RIGGED #Elections, Bribes under NGOs, HUGE Kickbacks, eliminating energy tech support & covertly pushing to exterminate the Blacks, all under banner of "cozy #SDGs"
Malloch-Soros-KlausScwab & their #Democrat Mafia partners like a Gore, are the brainchilds of massive public manipulation campaigns to Bilk BILLIONS from the taxpayers even further, & more control, putting Greeda ToonBurg (Greed, Fake Cartoon, Iceberg)(Actor name?) to exploit
Control, Subversion, Redirection, Fake "Crisis Management" #Malloch, & #BillGates Subversion of Human Technology as well has a legacy before them of #SERCO the #UK's Prison system not just for #Covid19 & people, but for the Technology that the world has always needed.
#America barely had 70 yrs out from the #Dominion #Slavery System& There is only one way Humanity can save itself from TOTAL RE-enslavement in the Serco open-air prison system & mass Genocide that is on track, is to bring these people to justice, & #ReleaseTheEnergyKraken ⚡️
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