Thread: This is my perspective on drug use and spiritual development. It's based on my experience of psychosis (aka demonic possesion) triggered by skunk weed and my spiritual practice over the subsequent 20 years. The way I see it is that some people benefit from drugs to... their minds to a spiritual practice and to open communication with their "higher selves" or spirit guides. Once this connection has been established the drugs become less and less needed to open the door because the persons own abilities are growing. The drug use should... be phased out or this will weaken the protection we have in the practice opening the way for demonic entities to gain control and influence over us. In my case this lead to a full blown psychosis from which most people never recover. Its a terrifying and dangerous...
...experience I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy and I am lucky to have recovered. This was down to getting clean of all drugs including prescription but it still took me 15 years to have the courage to continue a spiritual practice...
...Moral here is once the door is open don't think you still need the substance to elevate your practice. The opposite is actually true 💜🙏💜
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