
“I want to talk to you today a little bit about a recent declaration of a NATIONAL EMERGENCY🚨 by President Trump to deal with the threat of INTERFERENCE in US Elections and how this intersects Trump’s Legal Team’s statement.”

“Within 45 days after the conclusion of United States election an assessment will be conducted to determine whether a person or entity acted on behalf of a foreign government for the purpose of interfering in that election.“

#StopTheSteal #DefendTheRepublic
“All property that is in the United States or later comes within the United States or that later comes within the position or control of any United States person is BLOCKED. I repeat the evil doers property, if it is within the control of any sort a preview of the US is BLOCKED.”
#Trump declared this National Emergecy in 2018. September 12th, 2018. After he had a chance to watch the MID-TERMS play out and determine if there was any funny business going on in those elections. Is that a coincidence? ...

Moreover this Executive Order is NOT child’s play.’
‘... given that we now know that we’ve been in a National Emergency that was declared two years ago over foreign election interference by President Trump. ...

She concluded that interview by reminding people these are FEDERAL FELONIES, altering the vote or changing the ballot.’
‘Let me give you some REALLY GOOD NEWS ...

This is a “new day in America. I want everybody to feel better about this because it ALL is going to end GOOD. Justice WILL be served and this Country will return to being a country of TRUTH.’

#StopTheSteal #AuditTheVote
#NothingCanStopWhatsComing https://twitter.com/JFKjrQ/status/1329535207813287938
#FightBack #FightForTrump https://twitter.com/donnawr8/status/1337709198298275841?s=10
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