So the recent UK Government announcement of an end to #ICE sales by 2030 and an acceleration of transition to #BEV has ignited the usual round of bluster and sputtering protests from the clueless and the self interested that this “just can’t be so” and “will never work” ...
They cite the usual “I live in a 57 storey flat and I’m 86 miles from the nearest charger“ or “I need to drive 500 miles a day, every day, relentlessly, without stopping once”. But I have a harsh and unforgiving message for them I guess. Those problems, that seem so important..
to you, just *don’t matter*, or at least not right now. That’s because EVs don’t need to work for everyone *right now*. In fact, even fossil fuel cars don’t work for everyone, or otherwise everyone would own one, and they just don’t. All that EVs need to do *right now* is work...
for the vast majority, and they do, *right now*. The majority of cars, 75% of them, are parked off street, so they are fine for smooth seamless, no waiting, overnight charging with no issues. The vast majority of people do low mileage with short duration commuting with 98% of ...
all journeys being for less than 50 miles. So the vast majority of people can quite easily, with the minimum of change to their daily lifestyle, start *transitioning* to #BEV transport. Having said that, there are still plenty of people with no off street parking or do high ...
mileage who have been able to successfully transition to a #BEV car. So if you are in 57 storey flat and live miles away from a charger or if you do need to drive 500 miles a day, without stopping. Then maybe a #BEV isn’t the right answer for you right now. But you need to ...
recognise that, in the scheme of things, you are in a very *small minority* and your situation *doesn’t* prevent the vast majority from *transitioning* over to #BEV *during the next 10 years* or so. And during that time the public charging network will get even bigger...
The cost of EVs will fall even lower, while their ranges will increase and charging speeds will get faster. Until, at a point not too far in the future, even your tiny use case will be easily served by #BEV technology. Until then the vast majority of us individuals...
and business and public sector can get on with transitioning to #BEV, reaping the environmental and cost and convenience benefits *right now*.
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