There are different kinds of mosquitoes, one kind is very noisy. The noisy mosquitoes are responsible for the swelling in this man's leg.

This man's condition is known as filariasis and can be disabling.

The mosquito responsible for malaria is usually silent.

RT for awareness
Some people think that it is caused by Juju, he stepped on something and his leg started swelling. When in fact, it is caused by a parasite that looks like a worm

These worms only live in the body's lymph system. The lymph is different from blood and is clear like in color.
The condition is known as lymphatic filariasis or elephantiasis and the parasite that causes it is spread by MOSQUITOES. yes, you know the very noisy mosquitoes? They are known as Culex mosquitoes

Name of the parasites?
Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia Malayi
What these parasites do is that they block these lymph channels we talked about earlier.

When an infected mosquito bites a healthy person, the larvae called microfilariae move into the lymphatics and lymph nodes. Here, they develop into adult worms and may persist for years.
The adult worms then reproduce and produce more larva which are sucked up by mosquitoes when they bite, this is then repeated in another person.

These worms then block or destroy the lymph channels leading to swelling of that affected part

Usually the legs, scrotum in men
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