I am an advocate for cycling, but there is too much propaganda. Here is a bona fide report taking data from 16 data providers, geographically covering approximately 84 local authority districts including nationwide canal and river paths: https://www.ttf.uk.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/24-LA-travel-and-transport-data-Weekly-Digest-16-Nov-20.pdf
And here is data from real counts on one inner London street.
An example of cycling propaganda is to associate cycling with walking and the health of our town centres. The facts are that overwhelmingly shoppers arrive by foot and by bus. Here a survey of a selection of London Town centres, two in Hackney.
This made its way into the Guardian: “In 2000, Hackney used bollards and planters to stop vehicles cutting on to residential roads – and to keep those streets first and foremost for those who live there.“ In 2000 Hackney was in a dire financial mess, not introducing planters.
Cycling is important to the city, but it can only get you so far.
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