To really understand what is going on we have to start with this tweet of 6 months ago:
What this means, is that ~ 50% of the population, with regional variations, is already largely immune from SARSCoV2
A ~ 50% prior immunity to SARSCoV2 in the population greatly reduces herd immunity thresholds everywhere
The actual herd immunity thresholds (HIT) for SARSCoV2 are 10-20%. This is because there is 40-60% prior immunity. The lowest HIT are where there is highest prior immunity: 10+60=70% already immune!
The claims that there is no longer any epidemic, is supported by the science of immunology. It is actually describing what is happening in the real world, outside of sensationalist first hand accounts or hysteria of mass testing (also finding old virus RNA & cross contamination)
The claim that there is no longer any epidemic is also supported by all data relating to excess deaths compared to the 5 year average, everywhere you look on the planet. There are excess deaths, as happens 50% of the time, but these do not compare to epidemic levels of March-May
The claim that there is no longer any epidemic is also supported by all data relating to SARSCoV2 antibody levels, everywhere you look on the planet. These are not rising as they did during the epidemic, they are now either stable, or even falling.
The claim that there is no longer an epidemic does not mean that the SARSCoV2 virus has magically disappeared forever, nor does it mean that it ever will. It means SARSCoV2 is now at endemic levels, which are expected to marginally rise & fall every coronavirus season, every year
Coronaviruses are always seasonal, in the Northern Hemisphere, they follow set patterns of outbreaks
Influenza, coronavirus & RSV respiratory viruses are all potentially deadly winter viruses, & correspond to the seasonal lows of Vitamin D in the body
Therefore every winter we are vulnerable to at least 3 types and many more sub types of potentially deadly respiratory viruses. SARSCoV2 is now one of 5 in the family of coronaviruses, of which others are just as deadly as SARSCoV2.
For example, take HCoV-OC43. This is responsible for 30% of common colds.
The mortality rate for HCoV-OC43, responsible for 30% of common colds, is comparable to that of SARSCoV2 in the elderly. We do not lockdown for it
So we now know there are many dangerous respiratory viruses in winter. They are dangerous because they can all lead to pneumonia, & the body's immune system really struggles against all lung infections, which are often a double viral-bacterial infection. So what do we do?
We can either try and vaccinate ourselves against all of them, but we can never predict which strains & mutations will be prevalent every year in advance, or we can do something that protects us against ALL of them, & that is not lockdowns every year, masks or social distancing
What protects you from all respiratory diseases, including SARSCoV2 is the levels of vitamin D in your body
What protects you from all pneumonias are also the levels of zinc in your body
Higher zinc levels are also associated with less severe Covid19
So in conclusion, SARSCoV2 is now endemic, because there is herd immunity due to prior immunity in the population. It is only one of a number of viruses with similar mortality rates which circulate each winter. We can't lockdown forever, masks don't work, so take Vit D & Zinc.
Governments can only provide more hospital beds, give out vitamin D & zinc tablets. Nothing else they do works against any of all these respiratory viruses
Extreme social distancing & locking down is bad for both your mental & emotional health & also bad for your immune system, because they affect the cross reactive immunity which lead us to herd immunity with only a small % of infections
When you are dealing with a virus with a very low mortality rate, such as SARSCoV2, the risks to life from immunity problems due to vaccinations are higher than the risks of dying from the virus itself
The risks of taking appropriate vitamin D & Zinc are extremely low. The risks of asking government for more hospital beds are extremely low. SARSCoV2 is now endemic, there is no longer an epidemic, vaccination will not save you from the next one. Vitamin D & zinc probably will.
A few experts who agree:
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