A'ight Foxbatposting continues

A brief profile-
IAF in total got 10 MiG25s ever, 8 single seaters (RBK) and 2 trainers(RU)

1981-2003 they were under No 102 Trisonics and later under No 35 Raipers

Even though there were 8 RBKs, IAF never had more than 6 at a time
IAF got tail no KP351-356 (SS) and DS316/2 (DS)
In the early days, one of them crashed (due to a Rus TP) and was replaced for free

Then KP356 was also lost later and one more whose tail no idk

There was a KP3106 also, prolly a replacement for 356.

By the end IAF only had 3 SS
..left and one twin seaters left.

BTW only 42 IAF pilots were ever qualified to fly the type solo

Above pic is of KP354 which did end up surviving
and this pic is of DS362 outside
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