For your weekend reading, excited to announce my newest article at Parameters @ArmyWarCollege @USAWCPubs @SSInow on "Civilians, Urban Warfare, and US Military Doctrine" examining the role of civilians #civcas & #IHL in @USArmy @USMC warfighting doctrine
#Doctrine is a key organizational guidepost by which @USArmy @USMC signal what is--and isn't--important for fighting and winning wars. As my article shows, this shift toward "lethality" has come at a cost to the emphasis of #civcas and civilian protection
Increased global urbanization means that #urbanwarfare--and hence, war among civilians--will become more and more likely for the US military and its partners in coming decades: Fallujah, Mosul, and Marawi aren't outliers
Looking forward to continuing this conversation on civilians, urban warfare, and how to continue to improve US military operations in these challenging environments
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