If you want a feminine woman, you're going to have to build her from scratch, because they, for all intent and purpose, do not really exist in any meaningfully generaliseable quantity anymore.

Look for one with high potential and mould her. Many are unfortunately irredeemable.
I would say 99% of women need a replacement father figure, and that father figure is going to be you.

Sounds fucked up, but it is what it is. They don't understand how to charm and keep a man. They don't understand male psychology. They lack raw warm feminine compassion.
So if you want to enjoy "a truly feminine woman" - you will have to first know what it is to be a masculine man, and then you're gonna have to make a woman with good genes & conservative values your long-term project.

You will lead her to paradise with your energy and tutelage.
If you find a "truly feminine woman" already pre-packaged and available, chances are:

-She's upper class
-Strict parents
-Not western

Even amongst the rich, they're rare. Many rich men have garbage ass wives who're far too opinionated & cunty.
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