We owe it to those that can't have the vax. The vax comes first and we continue as we have been, for a short while. THEN the numbers come crashing down and THEN we all get to go to concerts and make out with strangers and have orgies at a buffet or whatever. In that order. [15]
This is YOUR drug and you funded it (if you paid over $750 in taxes). It's yours. This is THE end of this. But we can't mess this up. Next Fall you can lick all the doorknobs you want. You can have several extremely packed dance parties, I promise. But be patient. [16]
This has been the most transparent drug development in history. The genome is open-source. It's yours. We just have to do this right. The future is extremely bright. We just have to do the thing. We got this. Let's not crash at the finish line. /end
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