I happened upon the trailer for @Sia's film last night, and I was so disgusted. Full stop. Not just at the casting, but to me the entire premise is ableist af. It's not my conversation to lead; please listen to the #ActuallyAutistic community. And WOW Sia what an abysmal response
I say this not to derail the conversation, but hopefully to explain my disgust-I got VERY Magical Negro vibes from it (a trope we know is so bolstered by neurodivergence and/or cognitive disability). Even if you're saying she's "good" b/c autism, it's clearly not as a human being
This is abysmal. Absolutely inexcusable. It shows,once again, the vacuum so many of these projects are created in.Maddie has been her muse for years now. There's no way she would've considered anyone else. Or that people with autism don't exist just to enlighten others w/"magic"
"I spent three fucking years researching..."

Researching what, exactly? How to recreate all the harmful narratives we've tried to dispel that a neurotypical person having a hard time can be brought into a cotton candy rainbow world by a conveniently delivered person with autism?
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