Among much, much else that's wrong with this letter, wasn't Ireland described as a model for avoiding public scrutiny in passing self-id policies that were drafted by lobbyists? "[L]ong and public" process my ass.
"... many believe that public campaigning has been detrimental to progress... In Ireland, activists have directly lobbied individual politicians and tried to keep press coverage to a minimum in order to avoid this issue." (p. 20)

"The most important lesson from the Irish experience is arguably that trans advocates can possibly be much more strategic by trying to pass legislation “under the radar” by latching trans rights legislation onto more popular legal reforms..."
Again, the source is this quite extraordinary guide to best practices for gender lobbyists. Extraordinary for a purported human rights campaign, that is. It looks quite a bit like pharmaceutical industry playbooks.
Especially with recommendations like:

- Get ahead of the government agenda
- Tie your campaign to more popular reform
- Avoid excessive press coverage and exposure: "Another technique which has been used to great effect is the limitation of press coverage and exposure."
It's clear that the lobby fears facing real public scrutiny in Ireland, for the first time, and now appeals to one-time champions of freedom of speech & conscience to silence those who object to self-id & irreversible medicalization of kids as evidence of harm piles up.
Shame on @amnesty for signing on to such a pack of lies and libels, in an attempt to censor a vital public debate on the issue of gender ideology.
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