I don't normally do long threads but I felt the need to expose the evil which we are up against here.

This one is about Klaus Schwab and his Great Reset and their plans to change humanity for the benefit of those in power.

Help me spread this thread.
1) Klaus Martin Schwab(born 30 March 1938 in Ravensburg, Germany) is a German engineer and economist best known as the founder and ex-ecutive chairman of the World Economic Forum.

In 1971 he founded the European Management Conference and changed this to the WEF in 1987.
2) Of course you could've guessed that he has attended many Bilderberg Meetings.
3) We obviously know that all of this has been planned long in advance but here is some proof that he has been talking about this Great Reset since around 2016.
4) Despite Covid not being a great threat he feels that the world will never go back to normal and is in need of a "Desirable Change".
5) They have plans to change every aspect of the world. The world as we know it is gone despite things never being 'normal' in the first place, it's just that all of the evil is revealing itself to the world this year.
6) If you refuse to see this all being a plan to change our world then you're either just ignorant or aren't looking hard enough.

They have plans to change everything and this interactive chart is on their website for all to see.
7) They control the minds of the youth to help push their agenda.
8) He has received money and awards from Israel. (Of course🙄)
9) Another interesting fact for you to have a look into👀
10) He was a member of the UN and on the board for Sustainable Development.
11) As we all suspected the 'Great Reset' is just a name for the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda 'conspiracy theory' as stated on their website.
12) Clearly everything is pointing to the year 2030. This is likely the year their whole agenda will be completed.
13) Looked at their partners on their site and you'll never guess who I found 🙄
14) This all proves your democracy is an illusion. Your vote doesn't count. These people have a dystopian future planned out for you and the best you can say is "Put on your mask."

Talk about brainwashed.
14) Who elected these people???????
15) Stop telling me my vote counts when every politician is pushing this sinister agenda.
16) Please don't tell me that this guy has our best interests at heart when they have destroyed lives forever with their never ending bs policies.

Just look at the spawn of the Satan.
17) I do have much more lined up for this thread but i just thought I would put some of the information i found out there so you could do your own digging.

I'm not here to control your mind, simply to help you form your own conclusions.

Let me know what you think 😁
18) The new thing they want you to know is that soon there will be a "cyber pandemic" which may hit soon. Here's Klaus Schwab talking about it below. https://twitter.com/IceAgeFarmer/status/1328051762008363008?s=19
19) @IceAgeFarmer and his full report on the subject is down below 👇👇 https://twitter.com/IceAgeFarmer/status/1328047229215522816?s=19
20) I don't know how many times it has to be said that we're not going back to 'normal'. The elite have no intention of that. Klaus Schwab even states this in one of his books titled, "Covid 19: The Great Reset."

The part where he says it is here.
22) Here is proof in the form of a video which I seen on Twitter.
23) Klaus also has another group called "The Forum of Young Global Leaders" and a list of some familiar names are in the collage below.

I'm not going to take credit for this since it's not my work.
24) They also like flashing symbolism of their master in the WEF crest.

Clearly a 666.
25) @AnonymousSage1 has compiled a good thread on the Transhumanism agenda if you want to have a little read. https://twitter.com/AnonymousSage1/status/1200129897965993989?s=20

I will follow this up with videos from the WEF supporting this agenda.
26) One of the main videos which they have which they openly talk about merging humans with technology.

"The 4th Industrial Revolution will lead to a fusion of our physical, our digital and our biological identities."

Clearly something to do with the vax💉💉
27) This is another video in which the Transhumanism agenda is mentioned.

Just listen to how creepy this is.

If you still think it's a conspiracy after this then you need to take your head out of the sand and fast. Humanity is counting on you to resist.
28) the link for the full video is here if you would like to see what this so called "Fourth Industrial Revolution" is about.
29) To add to this madness they may even want to perform brain scans in the future? This is insane.
30) Since a high tech dystopia is on the horizon the WEF are also the ones funding the new 'health passport' which no one knows how long this is going to be used for. Look at the names involved.

You also have to be vaxxinated to be Covid free according to this 🙄🙄
32) This is as far as I'm going with the thread at the moment but if anything else pops up in the near future I will add.

Thanks for reading folks.
33) Ghislaine's sister also has a place on the WEF

Amazing how all of these filthy elite have such a prominent role in deciding your future 🙄
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