I would like to tell you a story. The title of the story is, "How To Steal an Election in Maryland".
The villain in this story decided that he was the most important person in the world, and although he was responsible for an entire state, he abused his position,
re-wrote laws, changed policies, by exploiting people's fears over covid-19. All so that he could manipulate an election and gain the support he needed to run for president. I will call this villain Harry Logan 🤔
Harry Logan ,being a Republican, thinks that the public will be tired of President Trump after another 4 years. Harry Logan is hoping that President Trump lost the 2020 election, he has worked against him for the last 4 years and is publicly doing so now. So this is Harry Logan's
time to shine.
Harry Logan had made deals with long time and important Democrats in the state of Maryland. People who guaranteed him Democratic support in his run in 2024. And he watched his support dwindle when the person who had promised this support passed away.
So, Harry Logan made a deal with all the incumbent congressman in Maryland. I will change the law and guarantee you will be reelected in exchange for your support.
And every incumbent running in Maryland ,five of the seven, districts won because of mail in voting.
And without naming names let's just say two of these involved Congressional type people have confirmed this independently of each other 🤔🤔 bragged about it even.
Here's what he changed, using covid as an excuse.
This affected not only congressional seats but the presidential election as well.
For the most part Maryland turned red except between Baltimore and DC where the majority of the fraud took place.
Do you see the fix? A tenfold jump in mail in ballots for Democrats. Maryland went old school like they have every election for decades. Phony ballots, counting the same ballot multiple times, switching ballots from Trump to Biden.
Curing. Paying homeless people
2 dollars for stolen ballots, the currency of choice on the street for a brief time . USPS workers bringing by whole cases of ballots.
Maryland didn't use the high-tech algorithms and percentages like the rest of the country, not too much of an extent. Maryland already had their fraud monster in place and they cranked it up again. It was so bad they were sitting down with phone books picking names out and
Saying they voted for the Democrats. They counted untold amounts of votes that said "Sample" in big letters across them. These are obviously been printed out online. There were stacks of ballots with only Democrat names on them and the signature was just an "ink line" drawn
Across the bottom.
I hope every candidate in Maryland contests their loss in this election. It is very obvious the fix was in l, the deals were made, and the motive is clear, Harry Logan wants to be president, but is trying to distance himself from president Trump.
You want the evidence, sworn statements, no problem. There have already been threats about exposing this . So if you want those things you can have them, but the stakes are high.🙏🙏🙏
Remove, on average, the phony 100k "votes" that were manipulated, from each candidate then look at the totals. Remove 1 million from Biden and look at the totals 🤔🤔🤔
That's right "Harry" lock down the state even more. Make it nearly impossible to investigate your voting fraud. Keep your grip tight!
Until "after the storm" as you call it. (He's referring to Trump fighting his "loss")
Maryland, Washington DC, and Virginia, DO NOT verify signatures on any ballots. This is one of the major aspects allowing mail and ballot fraud to take place
Maryland, and how Gov. Hogan Shut Down "Dominion" so he could control the election results with paper ballots.
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