I see a lot of people grumbling at the request for private funding of the transition. All transitions use private funding. They also use public funding. GSA is withholding the public funding. A legal challenge would take time. Lives are at stake now. Private funding is needed.
Another problem is that a lawsuit could fail. Here's the statutory language: " as ascertained by the Administrator." It's hard to allege a violation of a law that provides no legal standard, timing, threshold or trigger. Are there arguments to make? Sure. But it's no sure thing.
And as for the "Congress should hold her in contempt" people, the question is: contempt of what? She's in contempt of America all right. But the law doesn't authorize the House of Representatives to order her to act. So there's no order for her to be found in contempt of.
Is it terrible? Yes. Is GSA's Emily Murphy unprincipled? Yes. Is she acting immorally in her indifference to the deaths she is likely causing? Yes. But the question is what to do about it. The answer is bring in the best experts and have a transition without the government.
That's what they did before 1964, when the Presidential Transition Act of (weirdly enough) 1963 was enacted. And that's what's going to happen now. So, we can all be mad at Emily Murphy. But it makes no sense to bash the people she's depriving of funding for finding a solution.
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