Why would she do that? Very curious. From a quick look the two directors : Michael Quinn (now dead) & Brendan Cahill - both Irish. Company BVI. What interest would Patel and Shanker have in them? https://twitter.com/bbcnews/status/1329925387401433088
Here Shanker Singham is expressing an opinion about the case but what is his interest in it? Competere Group. Looks as if it is linked to the Legatum Institute & the Chandlers who profited off the Russian oil/gas energy market collapse and sales

Not any great shakes. Shanker Singham the sole shareholder.

Oops. Broke the thread

Why is this happening today https://twitter.com/fascinatorfun/status/1329952221543403523
“There’s a strong prima facie case the contract was procured by bribes paid to insiders as part of a larger scheme to defraud Nigeria....(and) that one of the firm’s directors gave perjured evidence”..

And the Nigerian Gov security of £200m was released.
So why was Priti Patel writing in support if P&ID in City am in Nov 2018, after she was sacked for her Israeli sortée and before she was Home Sec?

She suggested the Nigerian Fov were “running a scandal” (⁉️coming from Patel!!). “Flouting international law”‼️‼️‼️..
“The same month Ms Patel co-wrote an article in the Daily Telegraph newspaper with Mr Singham about post-Brexit aid and trade, offering support once again for P&ID, and an apparent warning to Nigeria on the consequences for its alleged failure to adhere to laws.”
The article said: “The erosion of Nigeria’s commitment to the rule of law is highly worrying. “

And she in the Gov supporting the U.K. flouring the rule of International law in the IMB.

Flouting the Ministerial Code. Several times.
But why are they so interested in THIS company?

I am really curious about that. A BVI registered Company. Officers of the company convicted of fraud/ tax evasion in Nigeria.

Irish Director.
Looks as if a Nigerian Government Minister has already been charged with accepting bribes from P& ID- linked companies between 2016-2019, so during the period Patel and Singham were writing in support of the company

A bit more about the people behind the company in this article

“Our investigation also revealed a pattern by Quinn & Cahill to use offshore tax havens like the British Virgin Islands (BVI) & Cyprus to establish their businesses that operated in Nigeria.

“We wanted to look into why the two men used this tactic repeatedly and if it has any relevance for the current dispute with P&ID, which is also based in the British Virgin Islands.”
“According to experts, businesses use these tax havens because they help to lower tax bills, they offer sound legal structures for businesses, and they allow the identities of the ownership to remain confidential.”
“These are all general reasons why BVI companies are popular with international businesspeople.

Some claim these mirrored entities lead to confusion and are meant to intentionally mislead, especially during legal and arbitration disputes”


What’s Patel & Singham’s interest?
Not sure why this thread keeps breaking.

Quinn seems to have had a very “interesting”background...

Even more curious about Patel & Singham’s interest

Might be worth looking into the US Hedge fund, that has a stake in the company : VR Capital

(H/T @McFlavour7 )


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