🌟 Here’s why #ActuallyAutistic adults HATE labels 🌟

✨ A thread!! ✨

• Including some of the labels we hate.

TW/ CW: Discusses labels/ swears

So...why do #AutisticAdults hate labels?

Well, first of all, we were BOMBARDED with labels.

People talked about #autistics like we were science experiments. And even worse...some of us WERE.

We have been backed into corners.
And we’re SICK of it! 🔥
2. The Autistic community wasn’t as cohesive as it is now.

We try to learn from one another. Why? Because some of us DON’T know firsthand.

There are A LOT of #AutisticAdults here because we were overlooked as kids, misdiagnosed, and waited YEARS to come to where we are now.
3. My brother was diagnosed with Autism in the early 80’s. At the age of three, they had told my mother that Dan was never going to “function.”

He would never be a “normal” adult. He was going to be a “vegetable” for the rest of his life. He was better off “put away.” 💔
4. So...

The words -
• normal

just took on a whole new meaning.

We were measured against a standard that wasn’t even feasible.

I remember my brother being excluded from many school functions. And I always wondered why he was never included.
5. It was because he was constantly held against an unrealistic model of “normal.” And because his ability to “function” was scrutinized.

I went to MANY of his M-team and IEP meetings. They talked about him like he wasn’t even human. I became very angry and socially withdrawn.
6. I wanted NOTHING to do with everyone else. I saw other people as the enemy. They didn’t think my brother was good enough.

From the age of six, I promised to protect him. I promised never to let him be degraded or exploited.

And that REALLY hit home when I became a Mom.
7. Different, but not less. 💙

This is how I’ve always seen neurodiverse people. We are ALL different and unique. We all have challenges and we are all brilliant.
We are sincere. We are kind.

And we are loyal.
Because we know how it feels to be forgotten and dismissed. 💔
8. These labels follow us from childhood into adolescence and adulthood.

What a lot of people tend to forget is that with the changing diagnostic criteria, there will always be new terminology.

If you want to talk about it, we will. But, if you dismiss us, we can’t help. 🌟
9. You can’t just use the excuse “well, this is what I said...blah, blah, 1986...”

Nobody gives a fuck.
Times have changed.
If you expect people to listen to YOU, then you need to listen to US.

Don’t come on here telling us what to and what NOT to accept. 🤦🏻‍♀️
10. If you AREN’T #ActuallyAutistic, then you have NO business telling us what we should tolerate. 🤷🏻‍♀️

“Normal” is the setting on a washing machine...LEAVE IT THERE. Don’t use that to describe ANYONE! Nobody is NORMAL. Everybody is unique. And that damn well includes us too!
11. When you talk about “FUNCTION,” we feel like robots. Or machines. Not human beings.

If you don’t agree, fine. But don’t come on here with that bullshit about “my son this,” or “my daughter that..” because we ARE that son or daughter; just in adult form. 🙋🏻‍♀️
12. We prefer to be evaluated by the levels of SUPPORT needed to live day by day, independently, and with both dignity and respect!

We have had enough gate keeping collectively, most of our lives.

We’re SICK of it. Period.
Get off your high horse and LEARN something about us
Lastly...LABELS, while useful in a library or system requiring classification, don’t NEED to be pointed at us.

Yes, we are #Autistic.
Yes, we are disabled.

“Disabled” is NOT a dirty word either.

ALL OF THIS. 🤷🏻‍♀️
14. If you want to be respected, then show us the same regard.

We try to help because we have BEEN YOUR CHILD! We aren’t trying to make you feel bad.

We’re trying to reach out and be that person WE wished was there for US to help OUR parents.

We can ALL coexist peacefully🌟
15. In conclusion, yes, some labels sting worse than others. “Normal” and “function” are two of them.

Thank you for reading this thread.

If you have something helpful and useful, please add it.
Any labels? Please share.

{NOTE: I’m not arguing with anyone.🤷🏻‍♀️} 🌟
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